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Posts posted by FishFace

  1. It's hilarious when you've been reading their Announcements now for so long. Every delay Announcement start off the same way, them patting themselves on the back. Here's a quote how the last one starts off: "The past months here at the studio have been hectic, but our labors are paying off" Oh is that why you're having yet another delay huh? comedy, well not free over $100,000 for this text comedy. I'm not at all surprised they delayed again. Didn't believe for one second they would stick to it this time..again. Only wish I could of bet some money on this, would of been an easy buck.

  2. Everyone understands that games take time, well if they don't they should because it does take a really long time. The problem is that these devs keep saying one thing and then do something else. You can't trust a single thing they're saying anymore. I don't trust them at all and I don't see how anyone could. The only reason some still trust them is because they want to play the game. If this was any other real life situation where a person promised something to someone and then don't keep the promise you would never trust that person again. They should of just said 2019 but they get greedy and instead take too much water over their heads and later make up excuses. These guys need to pull their shit together if they want anyone to actually trust them at all when it finally does get released.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Rinyuaru-Kun said:

    But if prison is fun, more people will act as criminals 

    I just think it should be more realistic, makes the criminal act much more intense and you're more careful. And I actually think there would be less criminals if the prison time is long because If It's short you can just go to prison and few minutes later do the same thing all over again. Add 20-50 people doing this and It's gonna look like a thousand people are doing it. It's just going to be people coming in and out all the time. Longer prison time means you go in and then It's way far along the line before you get out again, makes you think twice when you get out perhaps. And if Prison is fun It's not going to make more people be criminals because not everyone find it fun to live the prison life like in the movies, we all got different preferences.

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  4. 49 minutes ago, Bez87 said:

    It all depends on what prison life is like in game, what if people would like to play the prison life. it could be in the end a whole different game.

    Yeah I would very much like to live in prison IF and only IF they make it good and not boring. If they make it interesting I'm very much for it and 45min ain't gonna cut it if prison life is fun and not just sitting and waiting for your time to expire.

  5. 2 hours ago, BrianHamilton said:

    Such an unnecessary reply just looking to create conflict.

    On a post about not attacking others and "keep[ing] the community friendly", here you are calling us "hippies" and "dumb".


    Also, age has no factor in this conversation. @MntnChicken is incredibly mature and respectful for his age and I'm even willing to go as far as to say that he's being more mature than you right now.


    Don't start conflict. This post is discussing friendliness and peaceful behaviour and you come rushing in trying to insult us for wanting a kind community.


    Be respectful or don't bother replying.

    The truth hurts for you I see. Also you're really ignorant on how the world works. One of those people who believes every person is good inside right? Also I did not call you dumb, well only if you don't understand common sense, which is what op said, It's common sense. And you understand it so clearly I'm not calling you dumb..And I also did not insult OP for their young age. All I said is "you're too young to understand right now" which is a true statement when it comes to young people, they learn more how the world is while they get older. And I've realized people will always fight no matter what. No point in telling people to stop and be respectful when the majority is never going to change. Even the hippies who are for peace and love and respects everyone will be violent if you provoke them enough, It's human nature whether you like it or not.

    So I suggest you don't try and create safe space bubbles, not going to work, just gonna make those involved more weak and vulnerable.

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  6. 6 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    No, that is what your opinion for the meaning of "Soon" when it comes to gaming.

    Yeeeaah....well they've been saying soon since the beginning of this year so my interpretation Isn't exactly far-fetched.

  7. 5 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    The video was delayed as they are starting or will be starting to film it very soon. 

    Also the reason for the video being delayed was that some stuff were not back from an artist as it wasn't complete but I am sure we will see something soon.

    While also on Thursdays stream, they did say that the video was delayed.

    Half Life 3 coming soon. This is what "soon" means when it comes to gaming.

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  8. 2 hours ago, xBrianHx said:

    If you bothered to read @Genesai's post above, you'd see that he mentioned how the Devs have said estimated dates in the past and "They've made that mistake in the past, but never will again".

    Rather than simply complaining about it, just do some research and entertain yourself in the meanwhile with other things and reading up on some things around the community. Plus, the dev blog should tell us quite a lot since it's been a while since the previous one.

    Okay damn don't get your panties in a bunch. Still my opinion that it wont get released in a long time cause they've been saying it will for ages now.

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  9. On june 19th they posted an update saying "Once the clothing store interior is complete following that, the Town Square environment is ready to go" And It's been over two months now so yeah. I remember back in march when they said it would be released "soon" and I'm saying the same thing I said back then, it wont be released anytime "soon" as the devs like to say a lot. The way It's going I don't even think It's going to be this year. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, Gamepilz said:

    Do you have an example? :D

    The only good upcoming title is Identity and EscpapefromTarkov

    Well depends what you like. I'm personally looking forward to the Dishonored dlc (sep 15), Shadow of War (Oct 10), South Park (Oct 17), Wolfenstein 2 (Oct 27), Call of duty world war 2 (Nov 3, only because of single player but might not buy because It's not historically accurate and because of censorship)  And last Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Nov 17, only because of single player story) Hopefully they've released before October because I wont be playing this over those three games, not gonna happen for me. But to each their own.

  11. Well get ready to get shot or something else depending on the situation. If someone asks you something and you're slowpoking you might get bullet in the face. Or they walk away. It's like talking to a slow person in real life (a retard) You're saying something with voice chat and then you gotta wait 10 seconds for an answer because they're typing. Best thing would be to join a text chat only server, if there is such a thing.

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  12. It's gonna stay on 89 now for three months and then move up to 96-97 for one month and get delayed again for another month to tweak shit and then the first module gets released. This is how game development works.