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Posts posted by Kickapoo

  1. On 01/04/2017 at 7:14 AM, njayminsim1115 said:

    It will be difficult, but with patience and possibly a new graphics card, it can be done.

    No can do my friend an Intel core duo is for low end gaming only. This is no Minecraft spec game as we all know.

  2. An app for the mobile site would be unnecessary costs imo, but an app like the one featured with GTA V would be quite cool. Of course it being less pointless and buggy than the GTA V app, and including maps, messages and other utilities like your income idk.

  3. On 29/03/2017 at 7:29 PM, Judgement said:

    If this were to happen Dahzxrd then the forums wouldn't be equal to all.

    It would be like a fashion show; "Who has the best profile page?", "Who has donated the most?".

    I do like the idea but I feel it would be unfair to the people who donated less for the same cause to support the game.

    Why would that be unfair? If somebody is willing to donate more then I see no issue with them getting more perks. It has nothing to do with anything except how generous that person is feeling, and if they are donating then they should be recognised.

    On 29/03/2017 at 10:27 PM, xLambx said:

    I think its better that they stray away from perks for donating. Games that adopt that policy get a bad rap for being "pay to play". This way, new players won't feel pressured or left out because they don't have disposable income like others. I love flare, but sometimes its better to go without. 

    How can it be pay to play when the forum post is addressing forum perks only? Also did you mean pay to win? I think forum perks would be quite fine, though some people would go overboard as people always do.

    • Like 1

  4. On 31/03/2017 at 9:15 PM, jaylenclyde said:

    I was wondering if a pc with(not an expert)would be good enough:

    gtx 1060 turbo edition

    500gb memory

    8 ram

    Intel Core i7 (4th Gen) 4790 / 3.6 GHz

    Your specs will be fine for high settings in my opinion, you have an up to date GPU and CPU. This of course depends on game optimisation and your HDD space etc.


    On 31/03/2017 at 10:56 PM, MrClark said:

    Would a

    GPU: XFX AMD RX 480 8GB

    CPU: Intel i7 Core

    RAM: 16GB


    The same with you, when you think of PC gaming as a whole you have invested quite handsomely into your components, so expect to be rewarded back when you can run Identity on high settings.


    Lets just say if neither of you can run it on high settings then there is going to be a lot of disappointed people here with i5s, 770s etc.

  5. 13 hours ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    I am not, referring the hacking part of Anonymous. Just the idealism of equality and equity for all players. I also do not think you read the entire topic. We expressly mention we do not mean hacking, we mean surveillance.

    That's funny, because I'm quite sure a large part of the anonymous ethos is fighting for freedom and privacy from the government's prying eyes, yet you state you are a surveillance based op. I think it's wrong to use the anonymous name here as you're getting a fair bit of it wrong so far.

    • Like 1

  6. 5 hours ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    This is fair, although if someone IRL out right declares they are a member of Anonymous.. bad things could happen to him/her. Also, this is a game not real life. If people can pretend to be Italian and form gangs, and create false backs stories, we can create Anonymous.

    Again I disagree, you are referring directly to the portion of the movement who carry out cyber attacks, the other large portion of people are simply rallying for change which is in no way a bad thing and is simply a matter of life choice.

  7. The fact you've wrote 'enlist for anonymous' suggests to me you don't know how the anonymous collective works. They are not an organisation you know, anybody can technically say they are one of anonymous at any time.

    • Like 1

  8. 26 minutes ago, FIZzCRYPT said:

    I was wondering if it was possible if i would be playing with a RX 460 if not that would be bumming but right now i am talking about the town square module. And seeing how far you guys are in it already im pretty sure i will be able to get an answer.     THANKS


    RX 460 

    8GB RAM

    Intel core 2 quad Q6600 3.1 GHZ

    4tb SSD

    I'd say you might be able to push medium to low settings out of that graphics card, but that cpu is ancient technology my friend.

  9. 5 hours ago, LocalWateringHole said:

    Game looks great, it gave me chills and made me smile. I'm just worried that I won't be able to support it, if I buy it. Is there anyway to test out Module 1 for a day, to see if my laptop can support it? Thanks in advance.


    Yes, it's called reading the requirements when they are released. 

  10. 17 hours ago, DLimit said:

    The theater company would be expected to review the film prior to confirming whether it is acceptable within the theater. For example, a decent home-made film would be classified as the following:


    That video is made by skilled individuals and probably took a hella long time. Is it really worth implementing such a system to bridge a gap in the market so small for people with the ability to create such content?

  11. 3 hours ago, DLimit said:

    It would be interesting if players could produce their own films within the real world prior to requesting to play their movies within the theater. For example, one section within the "major theater" could consist of "home-made films". In the process, companies and political parties should be capable of purchasing advertising time PRIOR to the beginning of the film. For example, the intro-screen could consist of a few advertisements before the film begins.

    But they'd be absolutely shit so theres no point. It's like handing over source filmmaker to a 14 year old who has no or little concept of how to use it. That'll be the sort of quality the majority of player made movies will come out as.

    • Like 2

  12. On 11/03/2017 at 1:33 PM, Shimozukachi said:

    they could publish the game now, but it would most probably have more bugs than assassin's creed :P


    What do you mean graphical bugs in Assassins Creed, there are none!

    • Like 5

  13. 12 minutes ago, GrandPaladin said:

    it would be pretty cool if they did a free tshirt for participating in the social module

    a custom weapon skin for participating in the swat module

    and a custom car paint for participating in the racing module

    also a free hairstyle/other for participating in the beta

    only me who thinks that would be cool?

    Us Kickstarter backers get a special hat, but that's as far as it goes I believe.