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Posts posted by HaydeVolpe

  1. Hey. I'm italian and I want to correct some of your words.

    Giovanotto (Prounounced "jova-notto")= An expression of endearment to a younger person.

    Barese (Pronounced "Ba-reh-zeh")= Someone or something from the City/area of Bari, in southern Italy.

    Siciliano/Siciliana (Prounounced "See-chili-anno, "See-chili-anna")= Someone or something from the island of Sicily, off the coast of southern Italy.

    Compaesano (Pronounced "Con-pie-zano")= A friend, usually of Italian descent.

    Compare (Prounounced "comb-pa-re")= A very close friend. 

    Amico/Amica (Pronounced "a-meek-oh" or in Sicilian, "a-meek-oo")= Another, and most direct word to say friend.

    Stronzo/strunz' (Pronounced "Strown-zo" or in Barese, "stroonz")= Big piece of shit.

    Cazzo (Prounounced "catso") = Dick

    U' cazz (Prounounced "oo cats")= Literally means "the dick", but is an expression that means "nothing", in a pissed off way.

    Stu'cazz (Pronounced "stew-cats")= Calling somebody a dick in south italian dialect.

    Cornuto (pronounced "corn-oot-oh" or in Sicilian "corn-oot-oo")= Cuckold, can be used to curse someone

    Ricchione (Pronounced "rick-yown")= Insult to someone who is homosexual.

    Puttana (Pronounced "poo-tanna")= Whore

    Citrullo (Pronounced "chidrool")= Moron

    Vaffanculo (Prounounced "Bafangool")= Go fuck yourself.

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