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Posts posted by Xavier

  1. 3 hours ago, UhnotherGamer said:

    You're welcome :D
    At the moment, no. They have disabled some of those options because some of the code needs to be refactored in order to work properly. You can paint on canvas' on the easel in your apartment, it is buggy so be warned lol. We will soon be able to turn on the tv's, sit on furniture, etc. Some of the lamps and lights are buggy as well - they may or may not plug into the wall outlets. And you can turn on/off the lights.


    now THAT'S EPIC

    I used to love creating/decorating a house in the sims 3/4. nothing but         D A N K

  2. 4 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    The customisation will be partial in the first module but will be more extensive in the full release/ as the game is built.

    There will be a lot of customisation options but don't expect the over the top edits.

    Thanks mate. No juice. No paper. No clout.

    • Like 1

  3. So, as the title reads. what, and how will the character customization be? I know this information is quite confidential now ain't it? but if I can get some type of meme and information, that'd be great! thanks in advance! 





  4. On 7/30/2017 at 7:40 PM, Genesai said:

    It's been said on various occasions on live stream during their gaming hours, and on the forums as well.

    Try this: http://www.identityrpg.com/community/search/?&q="no sniper"&sortby=relevancy It's common knowledge by now that there will be no sniper rifles. It's been called on multiple times. As well as that max scope will be a 2x on the hunting rifle. We'll have to see post release if anything will change.

    Edit: also THIS is your ultimate proof: 


    yeet. ok. chill. hit me up bruh

  5. On 7/24/2017 at 9:18 AM, Rekter said:

    The devs strongly dislike the idea of snipers, even more they dislike the idea of silenced snipers, there wont even be long range sights.

    no juice, no paper, no clout. can you give me evidence/proof of where they don't like snipers/silencers/long range sights? also I think a sight as much of a 4x zoom like an acog sight or hybrid sight would be adequate enough.


    • Like 1

  6. Oh hoh! Now, will there be emotes? Like taunts, dances and stuff like that? That'd be really cool if you actually added that! Also if you do put it in, would they be on a loop? Would be nice to just put some dank music on and see your own character's cranking it eh? 


  7. On 4/26/2016 at 9:35 AM, Paratus said:

    You'll be able to do all those things with the exception of sniper rifles. There are rifles, but scopes are limited because we want to encourage interaction. There are some scopes, but not with crazy sniper magnification.

    When it come sot the weapon stash, you can place, on your house/apartrment wall, a display board which guns can be attached to to show off your sexy weapons.

    MMM, dem sexy weapoons doe. Speaking of AIDS, can you get are you guys going to implement disease into the game? Like would if you get in the water and swim, but it is WAY too cold, you get like hypothermia or something, that would be awesome, and have like a semi-small hud on the screen somewhere reasonable to tell you whats happening to your  character.

  8. On 4/14/2016 at 11:36 AM, ApertureScience said:


    Too easy. The bethesda's team for Fallout 4 is about 100 people, bethesda is VERY small compared to the huge CDPROJEKTRED with more than 300 employee around the globe which worked on witcher 3 (fallout 4 team was pretty much developed in one place, not like there were outside workers in their team). Ubisoft montreal has 2800 employee around the world and that's why they can permit themselve to make one AC per year.


    Five Night At Freddy is not an AAA games by anyway, it is an indie game made by a guy who nobody knew or acknowledged in the past which was developed on a "easy engine" : The engine which was developed Five Night At Freddy cannot support 3D graphic, everything you see in game are gif, the jumpscare, the minigame, everything. He only had to make those gif and some programming, that's why he could make 4 fnaf in one year.

    THANKS FOR THE INFO! Never knew AAA games only had a few hundred people working, but just like call of duty - activision and freaking ubisoft, sooo many people, wonder why I had to literally wait 20 minutes until the end credits for far cry 3 were over...damn.

  9. 4 hours ago, Viking said:

    @Motown Is it possible to see some new pictures of the game at least, to see the progress. I'm sure that everybody will agree with me. ;) 

    Yeah I agree with you on that. But let's keep in mind guys(and girls), there are only about 33 devs working o this game, and only like 2 of them(maybe) are trying to tweet and respond to us. It's pretty tough. Only if they had like 100 more devs, that would be great. Most like BIG OVERRATED games like Fallout 4 probably had like 500 devs, or maybe more contributing to it.

  10. 10 hours ago, Herzog said:

    Dont know why people keep asking and not searching first. In my opinion i think sex would just ruin it. Theres no need for such a feature unless you are young and want to know what mum and dad gets up to in the bed ;) 

    I dont think such a feature should be in the game and i respect the devs choice not to 

    Yeah, I guess you have a point there, but I guess some people want to add the "immersion" or "realism" in the game as much as possible. But I know there's tons of sex games out there! xD HAHA!

  11. 1 minute ago, Xavier said:

    so hearts raining down on the blanket? I'm guessing you got that from the sims. heh, well maybe like some games, fade to a black screen when 2 players accept the "sex" animation. I mean, after all, it is a game where you can make drugs and kill people, and probably curse. so technically it can be a rated "Mature semi adult rated game."

    "The feeling of sex is the way for two lifeforms to pleasure themselves."


  12. so hearts raining down on the blanket? I'm guessing you got that from the sims. heh, well maybe like some games, fade to a black screen when 2 players accept the "sex" animation. I mean, after all, it is a game where you can make drugs and kill people, and probably curse. so technically it can be a rated "Mature semi adult rated game."

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