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Posts posted by BrianHamilton

  1. On 18/08/2017 at 0:35 AM, Asupra said:

    no bro not Identity  i mean other games like pubg its Like A GOD DAMN GOLD MINE On twitch and ITS sooooo Damn reptitve and narrow and they keep saying its A game , bro come on how much of a naive these people think we are ? 

    Heyy! What do you have against PUBG? It's awesome :o

    I'd hardly say it's repetitive. You never know where you're going to land at the start of the match since the plane flies in a different direction every time and you always have to be on the lookout for snipers and trappers (people who set up roadblocks and other traps then ambush people).

    • Like 1

  2. On 17/08/2017 at 0:08 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    You won't go to court unless you request a trial when you are in prison. You can have a guy represent you and defend you in the court.

    Random players are selected to go and be the Jury in the court.

    Just to extend on LuckyDuck's comment a little bit, from what I've heard officially, you won't be able to request a trial unless your sentence is over 15 minutes.

    I also remember hearing somewhere from the Devs that the players who are chosen to become Jurors (I think that's the right word) to vote on the outcome of the trial, will be chosen from players relatively close to the area you're currently in and will send out a message informing them that they are being requested for Jury Duty.

    • Like 1

  3. On 15/08/2017 at 6:05 PM, Gino said:

    The game is on?
    i was visited this site in the early 2016, i can see there is a packages that you can buy.

    If in buying passports i can play the game? i dont get it...

    Didnt find information on this, Only read that the game will be on in early 2017.

    The game is not yet available, however, you can pre-order the games via the Shop and get BETA access if you purchase the Founder rank (for lack of a better word) or higher which will allow you to get into the game when they release it for BETA testers so that you can help to provide feedback and report any bugs and issues before actual game release.

    At this time, there is no official BETA or Full release dates.


    You can also find some useful links within my signature below :)

  4. On 20/08/2017 at 8:59 AM, Montaxx said:

    Nah, just joking.

    Just wanted to get you guys in here.


    I'm from Germany and want to be a smuggler in identity.

    Also I'm  a webdeveloper and webdesigner, that'll create a little community for german players with TS3 Servers etc. for you. So stay tuned!

    Welcome to the community!

    I hope you enjoy yourself here and in-game when it is finally released :D


    Feel free to check out the links in my signature below for some general FAQ's :)

  5. On 17/08/2017 at 2:38 PM, TheHellmare said:

    I think it would be a neat idea to use holding spaces like Storage Units to house goods you simply do not want to see anymore. Perhaps some old clothes you wish to no longer have to rummage through in your closet, or some large pieces of furniture you no longer wish to see in your building interface, or maybe even a small vehicle if you feel like you just can't give it up (and have the storage space). With that there would be added fees of course for owning these units. You must pay the bills or suffer the loss if you don't. This could open up the possibility for actually selling units of goods if the owner can't keep up with the bills. A cubical of goods and junk for someone else to own and possibly put to use.

    I actually really like this idea although not for the purpose of storing vehicles since there's already going to be car garages in the game.

    It would be useful for people with apartments and not much room to store everything, especially if they are a hoarder (did I spell that right?) like myself. And you could set up a mini-shop of your own, possibly an illegal one, in your storage unit. 

    Lot's of great possibilities. (I'd like your post if I could but I've used my 10 likes per day :( )

  6. 4 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Yes, you can broadcast on the radio. It is not a paid job though and is only an extra thing but it could be a paid thing in the future.

    Oh.... My.... God.

    That's it, my plans of going for Police Officer or Governor are gone. I don't care about them anymore. My new job is going to be blasting out the best tunes on the radio, partying and maybe inviting people onto my show :D

    • Like 2

  7. @Jakeyninja did you get your situation resolved yet?

    Also, I'm not a Moderator or staff member, but just as a suggestion so you don't get in any sort of trouble (I'm a lover, not a fighter, I don't want anyone to get in trouble <3) perhaps chill with the aggression and sarcasm when someone gives you a suggestion like using the search bar.


    If you paid through Paypal, you should be able to refund it by going to your recent purchases area, although I'm not sure if there's a block on refunds if you wait too long since you paid.

    Edit: Would it not be better to ask for support via Account Support?

    • Like 4

  8. On 20/08/2017 at 1:47 PM, Montaxx said:

    I wish we could blindfold, handcuff them and pull them around so they don't have the chance to move and we can do whatever we want with them.

    I think they should still have the ability to escape so that it's not too OP but they would require another player to uncuff/unbind their hands and remove their blindfold.

    They should still be able to run whilst blindfolded and handcuffed/hand-binded.

    • Like 1

  9. 5 minutes ago, Calisto said:

    so basically let ourselves get robbed with the chance that the criminals will be caught?

    The chances of getting robbed will be very unlikely with our Law Enforcement officers actively patrolling at all times. With so much of our budget heading into the Police Department and other Emergency Services, we will ensure that there are enough police officers to limit this sort of situation from occurring.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Calisto said:

    That doesn't really guarantee safety. Considering you have to call the police in order for them to respond but they wouldn't be able to if they were shot

    As I said, Law Enforcement officers will be available in every area, actively patrolling to ensure that the streets and country roads are all covered and monitored, with officers "on-beat" also patrolling.

    If a shot is fired, officers will hear it and arrive almost instantly at the scene. We suggest that in the event of a robbery, that you comply with the robbers instructions and requests for your own safety then immediately contact the police and inform them of the direction that the suspect would be escaping in.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Calisto said:

    Ok, so the thing about only allowing guns for certain individuals actually makes things worse. The reason why is what many forget to realize. Criminals are going to find a way to find guns no matter what you try to do. That means criminals will still have guns and law abiding citizens won't. Citizens won't be able to defend themselves. You are basically taking firearms out of law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves and putting them into criminals.  

    With our decision to make Emergency Services and Law Enforcement salaries higher than other community occupations, we will ensure the safety of all of our citizens by having more police and S.W.A.T. units available in every district, ready for deployment with much quicker response time since you won't have to wait for an officer to arrive from the next town across.

  12. 19 hours ago, AP said:

    Very nice. While I don't agree with a lot of your platform, it is very thought out and a nice post.

    Thank you :)
    You're always welcome to share your thoughts and opinions on our policies.

    18 hours ago, yellowhero12 said:

    So first of all, why do Emergency Services get paid more than any other profession? Obviously they are crucial to society, but there are some jobs that pay higher than for Emergency Services for a reason. The Laws section is missing any info on your policy on Drugs, what's legal, what's not, what are the punishments? 

    Would you force Churches/Temples/Mosques to marry a gay/lesbian couple even if they believed it was against their religion?

    We feel that whilst all jobs are important and contribute massively to society, without the Emergency Services people might not be able to get from their own homes to work safely and crime would be incredibly high making some jobs such as storekeepers useless if people knew they could simply rob with no one to stop them. The Emergency Services are quite possibly the most important and perhaps even most hardworking job within in this community which is why we feel they should be paid the highest salary.

    Polices and laws regarding drugs will be updated shortly.

    For the LGBTQIA+ marriage answer, see the next quote.

    17 hours ago, Calisto said:

    I'm pretty sure churches or any type of religious house of worship won't marry people and even then someone probably won't go that extreme to roleplay and not marry a gay couple if they run a church. That's just what I think though.


    Every religious establishment is welcome to their own beliefs and views and do not need to marry LGBTQ+ members if they do not wish to due to their faith. However, there are many Christian churches within the world which allow equal marriage as the world is constantly changing, including religious beliefs.

    As stated above, every religious establishment is welcome to their own beliefs and views but there will definitely be designated places where LGBTQIA+ people will be able to get married should they wish to do so.

    17 hours ago, Calisto said:

    About your Anti Gun policy. Does that mean only certain individuals can have a gun or can anyone have a gun as long as they have a licence?

    Our Anti-Gun policy will be set to ensure the safety and security of all of our citizens. While many may argue that they would feel safer with a gun, many accidents happen from citizen-held guns all of the time so that's why we decided to restrict them.

    As currently within the United States, individuals can apply for licences (various licences for different types of guns), however, these will only be given out to selected individuals who will only be using these firearms for hunting and defending crops/livestock and, of course, for Law Enforcement Officers.


  13. 9 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    I know this is your party, but will you be on the ticket running for Governor?

    I will indeed be running, as I imagine you will be too. However, it does seem like we share many of the same ideas which I'm sure means we could help each other out on occasion (as I said above) whilst also running against each other.

    • Like 1

  14. On 8/20/2017 at 12:40 AM, LuciousTimes said:

    Good job, not exactly but very similar to my own!

    I used the design that you used as inspiration and made some changes, however, all policies, acts and laws are entirely my own.

  15. 4969393347100672.png?k=ibCt4WQY2ETIH3ul4jLdeM2pKuk

    Please visit our website here for the latest updates!


    We have moved all of our information over to our website for a more efficient and user-friendly interface.


    If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Party, please inform us below. Policies and Laws are subject to change at any given time.

    • Like 2

  16. 11 minutes ago, TheHellmare said:

    Not so much of the button, vans primarially have that. But many older and newer cars with an actual trunk have a type of 'rip cord' which you can pull to open the trunk assuming someone ever got locked in. It hands from the roof of the door. If your hands were tied from the front it's be easy to grab. If you were restrained from behind however it's a bit more difficult

    Ah, I see what you mean. I was thinking of the button that a driver has on the dashboard or on his door so that he can pop the trunk (we actually call it a "boot" here in Scotland and UK haha) and quickly go round to get something from it, but I like your idea as well!

    Don't quote me on this since I'm not exactly sure, but I believe the action menu is a sort of circular wheel-select system (don't know what to call it) or so I think I saw from one of the trailer videos. Maybe when binding their hands, there will be an option on the menu of which side you want to bind their hands at and other kidnapping abilities like "Search" and "Kick Down" like in the Arma 3 mod.


    • Like 1

  17. 1 hour ago, TheHellmare said:

    Phone auto correct sucks... also, I think trunking could work in a few ways. Maybe allow the hostage to bump around a bit, make some noise. Also, some cars often have a release hatch, so you'd have to be smart with the vehicle choice. 

    I like what you said about the "Maybe allow the hostage to bump around". They could take some damage when you do it though. Very minor damage, nothing that bad but noticeable. Nothing lethal though. But it'd be good if you wanted to scare them or make them think wisely about trying to escape or annoy you.

    And as for "release hatch", are you talking about the button that a lot of newer model cars have that unlocks and pops the trunk open a bit? If so, then yeah, that would be excellent and like you said: you'd have to be smart with which car you choose. For example, with the "Cabbie" citizenship purchase, it mentions an old, rusty sort of car so that might not work as well as another type of vehicle like maybe a minivan or one of the sports vehicles?

  18. 20 hours ago, GreyFox said:

    I know that kidnapping will be in the game but I'd really like to see some sort of a cool system where when you make the person surrender you can tie there hands and feet and bag their head so you can drive to a disclosed location to bounty them or whatever. I'd also like to see a way to take their communication and such :D

    Since kidnapping is already in the game, I imagine that when you go to kidnap someone, it will "bind their hands" or something automatically or restrict their ability to use certain actions. It would completely ruin the immersion if it simply said "You are kidnapped" even though you could still sprint, use every action, pull out weapons or whatever, so I think they'll have that part already considered.

    Although, a blindfold/bag would be a good idea and would definitely add to the roleplay, making it harder for them to make their way home if they try to escape so good idea there! :D

    18 hours ago, TheHellmare said:

    Restrain them, blindfold them, put them in the trunk of a hijacked car, and jump it into the ocean. You'll be the cereal killer with no trace to follow 


    "Trunking" them would also be a super cool idea, although, I feel like the driving into the ocean thing could be so easily abused and a lot of people would just be kidnapping each other and drowning them haha. But I do like the idea of being able to put them in the trunk. Maybe a way to choose which seat (or the trunk) that you want to place them in, like a little popup hud when they are standing next to the car.

    Also, I'm so sorry but I just have to correct you:  Serial Killer not Cereal haha.

    • Like 1

  19. I think it would be a really cool idea to add indicators (A.K.A "Blinkers") which can be assigned with keys such as "K" for left and "L" for right or something like that.

    It would really add to the roleplay side of things and if you're getting pulled over by the Police (player police), you could indicate to show that you're pulling over soon and not just driving off.

  20. What are your thoughts on adding indicators ("blinkers") to cars? I think it would really add to the roleplay.

    Also, if you're getting pulled over by the Police (player police), you can indicate to show that you're pulling in to the side of the road soon so they don't think you're just driving off.

  21. Hey everybody! :D

    My name is Brian, I'm a theatrical actor from Scotland and I've just pledged $30 and became a Founder so I can't wait to play the game when it comes out!

