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Everything posted by TripNA

  1. why ubisoft Fucked Rainbow 6 siege

    If there is one thing I've learned over the years playing games, there's always two sides to a story. If you would like some examples of this and some fun reads, go here -
  2. Whatsup guys

    Hey, I just found out about this game today and started doing some research on it (Quite a bit of mixed things). It's looking great so far! I read the latest Dev update and seen some video's on it. I think i'll be purchasing a pack soon, probably once the video that was talked about in the Dev update is released to be sure this is something I will enjoy. If there's any tips you guys think I should know or have any helpful information, all is appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Whatsup guys

    Thank you guys for the info! I definitely be sure to buy soon then!