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Posts posted by MichaelPayne

  1. 9 hours ago, Celeste said:

    They said they aren’t confirming this because as gamers you already know what kind of things we might play just warning you in case things don’t go your way 🤷‍♀️


    source of where they said they aren't confirming these features? Just interested because the twitch clips state otherwise.

  2. 4 hours ago, Celeste said:

    You guys do realize they said you can only listen to radio and can’t actually have recording studios...


    There is a radio station and can be used to host a show, with virtual audio cable we can play our music through it.

    There is also a concert hall for the artist to perform with backing music and instruments of there choice.

    Recording can also be done outside the game and then used through virtual audio cable as I stated above.

    So I'm very well aware of what we can and can't do, thanks for your comment though.

  3. 6 minutes ago, JoelKeys said:

    Guys come on. We were told apartment customisation was going to be a thing in the TS module, I know for a fact we were because it was the feature I was most excited about. I have talked about it before. Now we are being told you won't be able to customise anything in your apartment but you can explore the base standard apartments? This is just going back on your word AGAIN. Come on!



    Who said this?

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  4. 20 minutes ago, mrBR0ster said:

    So I bought the founders package, does that mean I have to wait til the beta to be released so I can play or can I play the town square module when that’s released?


    You have access to all the pre-release content as a founder, so yes you will be able to play the Town Square Module.

  5. 15 minutes ago, FaithMable said:

    Will you have a partner system, allow me to be a wife and do things like gardening or something relaxing? Or perhaps be a nurse or something?

    I'm really into partner roleplay,  possibly family stuff, and as bad as it sounds, being the stereotypical housewife as its what I do in real life. 

    From what I've seen and heard this does seem like the perfect roleplay game, and since it will be coming to steam that's even better, I game tons on steam. I'm gonna grab the founder pack asap, I'm really hyped now. Is there a eta on final release, or stable version with base content? 

    Also thank you for the replies


    You can marry also there will be a social media thing where you can update your marital status. There will be no kids in the game, as in player models.

    You can be apart of the EMS which will include medics not sure about a nurse as such.

    I believe there is farming not entirely sure about gardening but I don't think it would be that hard to implement if they have a farming system already.

    There will be quite a few relaxing things to do you know like parks, cinemas and many more.

    The game could be pretty revolutionary, let's hope it reaches its full potential.

  6. 4 minutes ago, ZachLaVine said:

    Sounds great! I've seen your companies and i'm very impressed! 


    Thank you, I like your idea so I want it to come to fruition so if our sponsorship can help that I am all for it. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Pulse said:

    Yup I talked to beach more about it, for now I am just going to leave this business aside and sort of abandon it, I'm assuming it's going to be very user friendly which means it's close to impossible to make a business like this. For now though I am hoping to wait until the game is launched and take a look a closer look at exactly how players can make websites, so for now, its back to brainstorming :P


    Seemed really unique business idea, sad to see that it might not be a thing, if you ever need any help with business ideas throw me a PM my brain is always available. 

    Good luck with future endeavours.

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