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Posts posted by BluePandaIta

  1. I kinda know what you mean, it is really annoying when someone comes to you and say "what go 4 citi cente" or just "city center?" expecting you to understand what they're tying to say but blocking them would be kind of worthless.

    The game is all about socializing and if they don't know english they won't talk=they will get bored and leave after a month 

  2. Officers need to make an application and get tested so no noobs or trolls will become members of the law.

    And if it does happen admins will take action, idk if there's going to be a compensation but i highly doubt it as it WILL be exploited.

    • Like 1

  3. Name: Jules (Giulia) Pinke

    Age: 23

    From: Milan, Italy

    Appearance: Skinny, but not too skinny, straight (or wavy) long light pink hair and a tattoo of a cannibal mermaid on her neck. Her face is quite simple, she has red lips with a rounded cupid's bow, she has blue flirty eyes. She also has a mole in the north-west region of the mouth.

    Attire: High waist jeggings, a pink and black corset with a sexier version of an open black business jacket buttoned only at the waist. Black 20cm (7.8 inches) high heels.

    Job: Stylist

    Detail of House: Flat at first, then a big modern mansion with a big pink diamond statue in the driveway.

    Detail of Car: 1 beige Mercedes S Cabrio, 1 black Lexus RX, 1 yellow Jeep Wrangler, 1 Pink 1959 Ford Thunderbird

    Personality: Sassy, Ironic, kind when needed, happy, brave-ish, dominant

    Background: Jules lived in Milan for her whole life. She studied Fashion in her Hometown and now she's ready to prove the world how badass and amazing she is.

    Her Grandma a few months ago and she inherited a flat from her.





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  4. 3 hours ago, KrandeKraft said:

    Maybe there will also be a way to design and build your own company/car...

    Ehm... no, it would require too much work and it's a bit impossible since it would take at least a whole year just to get to 10% of the idea.

  5. On ‎10‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 8:26 AM, Dizzle said:

    Am I still relevant. Have people forgotten about me? I hope not. I'm pretty awesome. I guess I'll also take this opportunity to announce my plan for when I get into Identity and that is to provide YOU, yes YOU, with top of the line clothing signifying wealth and social status! :3 

    Another stylist??? Finally! I thought i was the only one, glad to see other people are interested in clothing.

  6. 2 hours ago, Vix said:

    Exactly. People use those stuff when it comes to hiking etc, no one throws a grappling hook at the bank and climbs on top of the roof to then let themself down on a line and avoid lasers etc. xD It's not an action movie, or even an action game. If grappling hooks were in the game they'd have to either be really expensive, which is unrealistic since they're fairly cheap in real life, or everyone would have grappling hooks and instead of Identity being a social role-play game it'd become a Spiderman Simulator.

    He also said it himself :

    2 hours ago, Freebios said:

    +1, In real life you can buy a grappling hook easily but you don't use it to climb walls because it's dangerous, but in video games you don't care if something is dangerous or not, and people will abuse it.

    You basically just said that in real life you don't use it because it's dangerous, and since it's a Real life sim, you should be scared of using it since it may be dangerous.

    Really tho, it would become Spiderman meets Rainbow 6 meets COD meets GTA meets Just Cause 3 and we don't want any of that stuff

  7. 22 hours ago, Krystian said:

    A cool thing to add to this amazing game is a Military Base because on one side there could be borders in the game and they could use the soldiers as border patrol and if you in for the criminal life you could smuggle guns out and do some gun dealing won't it be cool? :D

    Yeah, it would be easier to get guns and people would do it over and over again leading to more guns and more guns=rdm and lower immersion/roleplay/peace

    • Like 1

  8. On ‎04‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 8:44 PM, Syym said:

    Imagine an App, that you could use when being away from home for days or weeks.

    While camping in mountains, you pull out your phone, pay some ingame bills or rent. When you finnaly arrive at home and log in to Identity you won't be kicked to street because thanks to App you were able to pay your expenses.

    You could chat with citizens who are in your friend list.

    Vote for elections.

    Checkbox titeled as "Vacation", if checked your boss will know that you won't be coming to server for some time.

    So i got 4 practical pros. Only cons would be more work for devs.

    I got my idea from work today (so i am starting to have thoughts about Identity irl), suddenly i realized that there will be weeks where i won't be at home, which could be fatal for Identity Me.


  9. On ‎12‎/‎01‎/‎2016 at 4:33 PM, Aziz said:

    I want The happens lets say every 3 months there will be a zombie apocalypse for a day like and event update. after 3 more months we will have an alien apocalypse for a day. it will be cool all the players go together fighting together


    16 hours ago, Striker said:

    I like the idea too, but I think their can be a better more realistic way. Their could be an apocalypse minigame every Halloween in game where some people join zombies and others choose to fight the zombies. The zombies could have a realistic zombie looking costume with the zombie walking animation if they add that. The zombies could also have more speed, strength, jump height, and more health during the minigame. Or they could just add the zombie virus event. 


    Go play H1Z1 or DayZ ffs! This is Identity, a life sim, not a zombie apocalypse simulator! There's way too many of those on the market!

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  10. On ‎05‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 7:35 PM, Alfred said:

    I will be roleplaying as a musician. I have a proper mic and I'll just play guitar and sing into it. I'll try out a bunch of other stuff as well though.

    You can play the guitar In-Game i think

  11. 8 hours ago, JBS said:

    Why re-invent the wheel? Why go to all that bother of coding say a trucking sim within the mmo when you have a great truck sim that already exists?

    Then why should they make this game at all??

    I think we're losing track here, i don't want to sound rude but it's really an awful idea.

    It would basically drop the number of copies sold if the game required other simulators to run.

    We're talking about a game, not a quick hub to switch from game to game

    • Like 1

  12. 7 hours ago, Striker said:

    I like the idea of uncommon guns. It would be to hard to survive with everyone having a gun.

    I love that about identity, it's not like arma where every 20 minutes or so you get robbed or killed.

    Identity really concentrates on real life roleplay

  13. 5 hours ago, Striker said:

    Isn't the in game time gonna be faster than real life? Or is it gonna be real time so you can only play at night in game at night in real life?

    Won't be real time but day will be longer and night shorter but still, gas is gonna be based on real life time, i guess