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Everything posted by Taquito

  1. Private Servers

    Can we as server owners and community leaders have direct access and control over the server and its players, like in Garry's Mod? Will we have that power or will it be restricted by the developers? Like, for donation systems and such.
  2. Private Servers

    Last question addons/mods made by private developers, are they going to be available?
  3. Private Servers

    So will there be no way for community donation systems in the game?
  4. Private Servers

    I n the game for manipulating the database of players and their game data
  5. Private Servers

    Do we get to host the server on our machine? Or are we going to be restricted to a managed host?
  6. Private Servers

    Will there be MySQL support or other web integration be available?
  7. Just a quick short idea. Everyone has to go afk for one reason or another. Last thing you want to do is kick someone for being afk for 2 minutes (being afk for an hour and over, kicking a person is okay). Away from keyboard notices on the player's screens are unreal and cringe-worthy. I believe an animation should be made to show other players when someone is afk. Make the player pass out on the ground if they haven't moved for 2 minutes; allowing others players to loot their sleeping body and Officers/Medics to detain him/her for sleeping in public. Players will also think twice about going afk , to avoid losing their items. This opens opportunities to new role playing situations. Other ideas are also welcomed; passing out is the only idea I have for being afk.
  8. Regular Updates after Release?

    Haven't purchased anything yet, but I plan to purchase the $30 Founder Package when I have a chance to put my money on a debit card.
  9. Regular Updates after Release?

    Features will come that's a given; just no early releases. That's why they are making the modules so we can have taste, but it's not the whole thing.
  10. Regular Updates after Release?

    Let them take their time to make the game the best it can be. What's going to happen, which has happened with every other early released games, is that the game will be pretty bad if they release it now. People will leave remarks, "this game is poop I try to kill someone and the gun keeps breaking" or "hey I lost all my poop I want a reimbursement". Then we are going to respond "It's early access there are going to be bugs, because the game is not finished". As much as you tell people this they will never understand. Than the games is going to get bad reviews. The developers are going to read the reviews and they're going to be depressed at seeing all the negative comments. It is better for the game to be released when it is fully finished and polished. If the game comes out finished as planned, everyone is going to have a b**er for longer than 6 hours. You have to be patient and jump on the hype train with the rest of us; like back in the good old days waiting for releases. Analogy: Restaurants do not make burgers by giving the customer bread, lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, ketchup, and mustard; then saying "Here's your hamburger you're going to have to wait an extra 10 minutes for your hamburger meat to get done though, on the bright side you can start eating what you have so far." Then you eat everything, when the meat comes you experience the meat by itself.
  11. Grappling hook

    @Freebios I agree, content, like the grappling hook, does not need to instantly come out. I just feel like people here are too scared of what other people can do in Identity. I understand there are minges, trolls, and people who want to ruin your time. You know what I call those people in game like Identity? Criminals, and they are not going to last a long time if they balance out the police force. Again, if someone can please clarify on the developer's standpoint, if Identity is going to be a true realistic role playing game or a "realistic" mini game for role playing? (If it is a mini-game, do private owned servers have the option to change that. For example, making perma death a thing or lifetime jail sentences which can be considered as bans.) I have hopes for Identity, for it to be the first true realistic role playing simulator. Though, all my hopes do not need to be inside Identity, but that my hopes is a goal or path for Identity to follow. That one day the developers will come out with a new update or Identity 2 that provides the player free will. That the of path of Identity is not defined by fear of others, that makes the game more restricted as time passes. That I can plan to take a drive to the mountains and buy a grappling hook. Then to use that grappling hook to just get on top of the bank, you got to think someone is going to see and they're going to call the police. The whole point of a grappling hook is just an idea of a million other ideas. I want you to right now think on how you would rob a bank in real life, but you cannot go through the front doors guns blazing and cannot blow your way in. Use your imagination, and as you using your imagination think about how you are feeling. Now if that process can be put inside a game, than a player truly has free will; free will is what we have in real life.
  12. Grappling hook

    Just putting my two cents in. I barely have an understanding of the developer's standpoint on making this game a freedom sandbox rpg or a restricted rpg. The reason you may have not heard someone use a grappling hook to rob a place is... A) the story was too stupid to air across the nation. B) the robber that used a grappling hook got away, uncaught. C) no has committed a crime with a grappling hook, because they are not stupid. What I do not understand, please clarify for me, are we forced to rp situations only set by actual events in life? Identity should offer ultimate freedom to do what we want to create our own unique experiences. Just because no one has grapple hooked on a building, to get into a window or something, does not mean someone cannot irl. I understand some events are really uncommon to happen, but we or the developers have to separate those; at the end of the day a grappling hook (like the one in Rainbow six siege) is not something crazy that people can abuse. Worse thing that can happen is that someone goes around trolling people outside their window, but that would be called stalking. Just my two cents, please don't shoot.
  13. Hillary Clinton. (A name could be counted as one word right?)
  14. There are a lot of requirements needed when managing a police force. A administrator, such as a commander or sheriff, need to make policies and grants for their departments. Policies need to be made to inform officers on how to handle certain situations. Click here for an example of a policy for prisoner restraining and transportation. Policies are key for protecting officers in court; if officer abides by the policy he/she will receive no punishment. A in game police department website needs to be made for the Commander/Sheriff to write and the players to see the policies. Grants ask for money from the federal government to improve a police department. For a true player base economy the police department should not have a blank check. Commanders and sheriffs will have to ask for money to buy new weapons or equipment for their officers. Officers do not buy their own equipment in real life; some do pay out of pocket to improve themselves (Ex. Police car and weapons). I'll be sure to add more as I continue taking Criminal Justice college courses. Some Questions? Will the game be following the United State's Constitution or one made by the server owners (Rules)? What will the chain of command look like, and requirements? Will the prison/jail be controlled by players? On private own servers is there option to let players take gear off officers? I don't expect a fast response to my questions, because things do change so take your time.
  15. Questions Regarding Private Servers

    Couple Things to talk about... 1. Firstly, do we want another Garry's Mod Dark RP/Arma Life Mod Experience with Private servers on Identity? I feel like people have negative feelings about Gmod and Arma Private Servers. A majority of server owners only care about profit than making the game better(Asylum makes the game better). At the same time, the developers (and I) truly want Identity players to have no restrictions. Something has to be done to eliminate those who will make this game a cash cow. I recommend having a ratings page for every server on the server browser. Or something that takes up less resources is icons which tell which server has: Advertisements, Pay to Win Content, or a Non-Profit server. 2.There should be a policy about 3rd parties making Web servers to sell Addons that can be used on Identity, when modding comes out. Websites like Scriptfodder ruins the chance of every server being original. Do we want Identity to have the same content everywhere or be unique? Being unique improves the mediocre, and Identity is already one of a kind so think of the possibilities. Overall, this game is very promising and many people will try to ruin it with greed, just look at gmod. I hope the right steps are taken, because I'm here for the long haul.