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  1. Buying the game

    If i give 30$ now, it means that i bought the game once and i will have acces from now on right?So the conclusion it's to better buy it now?...
  2. Hello, i was wondering... If i dont buy the game untill March 24(i heard that's the date it will be released), i won't be able to buy it ? Do i need to buy it before that date?Can I buy it after? If i won't pay 30$ for Kickstarter or something like this, I can't buy it from Steam or other platforms?
  3. Voice Suggestion

    Nice, nice, but... when will the game be released?And will the beta will be a open beta? And if it will be a open beta... will the game be free?Or If you joined the beta you will have acces to the game for free?