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Showing most liked content on 12/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    We're still at it, but development is much slower than we'd like it to be for financial reasons. The income we're receiving currently simply isn't enough to employ many working hours. The developers all have families, so they can't work for free (understandable for any developer with experience). While we're moving along slowly, there will be an update very soon with systems that were needed for combat/SWAT, mainly player movement mechanics and animation. What we have in Town Square now was just too clunky for good combat. Because the pace is so slow right now, we're looking into other development sources, too. I plan on putting out a lot of information with the coming update, but if you guys have questions.. fire away. I've been ridiculously busy, but I'm going to make it a point to poke my head in here more often. Source: Discord