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Posts posted by The_Real_Axer599

  1. I'm gonna go ahead and say that if you could make a living playing video games, earning money in the real world from the game world, I personally would never work ever again. ever. And neither would a lot of other people. So yes, completely in-game money making/living. Unless there's something I'm missing...

  2. My favorite thing to do in games is to steal a nice car off the street and go on a joyride, then flip them for money. My question is, are there going to be any tools in identity that make breaking and entering cars (and other things) easier and/or quicker than just punching the window in? Like a lock-pick kit? And will we be limited to how many cars we can sell?  GTA restricts you from selling more than 1 car every 40 something minutes, and you are only able to sell vehicles worth under $80,000, which is sort of unrealistic and a waste of time. I'd like to see an unrestricted, fair means of selling cars for profit. 

    What do you guys think? 

    Also, i really hope that when you commit a crime in Identity, and you're miles away from anyone else, that you don't automatically become wanted...

    If a bear craps in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, it DOES make a sound. However, that crap DOES NOT set off a Nation-wide alarm.

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  3. I'd love to see a Liquor store, and/or a Headshop where players can get pre rolled cigars, smoking utensils (ex: glass pipes,hookah, bong, etc...) and even crafting equipment to grow at your home/hideout. However, if you get pulled over with the wrong substance on hand, your stuff could be confiscated by an officer, depending on the laws at the time. 

  4. This is an idea that i have had for quite some time now, and i do believe Identity is big enough (geographically) to allow for this sort of feature. I'm a big fan of Airstream trailers, so I'd love to see something along the lines of them implemented into Identity. Say for example, i own a house somewhere up North on the map, but want a base of operations away from home, Ex: the opposite side of the map? I could hitch up and head to a campground, and stop anywhere along the way to camp out. Or if a player doesn't want to be restricted to one area, their trailer could be used as an inexpensive, movable home. And the trailers themselves could be used as storage devices as well. And if for some reason this suggestion does end up in the game,i'd love to see this done all out, with color and interior customization options to make each trailer as unique as it's owner.

    I know that towing a trailer around other players may have some unintended consequences, (T-Boned trailers, stolen trailers, easy robbery, etc...) or make this impossible due to the game's nature, but since i also never thought a game like identity could exist, i decided to put this idea out there anyway. 








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