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Posts posted by RickWantsThisSoBad

  1. Yes like in the beginning everyone needs to get some money (not when u bought something higher than the €30 package but most people didnt buy that), so if everyone is doing the same thing only people that got starting cash can buy those fish.

  2. Hey guys! 


    So I was curious about this. If you for example go out for fishing to start making some money, do you need to sell it to a person or just to an automatic kinda thing.

    Because if u need to sell it to a real player, it can take for ages because almost everyone would do the same. 


    Thanks in advance, 





  3. Hey guys! 

    As I am very excited for this game, and really want to buy it. 

    I saw there wasn't an option to pay with iDeal, and that sucks for me because I only have iDeal. 

    And I am sure many more people will buy it when u guys add it.  


    Thanks in advance,




    (Note - If u guys add, please before module 1 so I can play in BETA) 

  4. Hello guys! 

    My name is Rick, I am 13 y/o and coming from the Netherlands. 

    Im a big fan of PC games and always wanted a game like this, so I am very excited. 

    My question is: I heard that there were 3 modules, and the first is almost ready, but can you play the game if the first is ready? Or do you need to wait to the full release? 

    Thanks in advance. 


