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Posts posted by Whitefeather

  1. They have already made plenty of money to be able to fund the modules. People are quick to rip apart a company/game when it doesn't go according to plan. Once the kinks and all are fixed and it becomes playable, the good reviews will climb.

  2. There have been a few problems I've ran into, but have also been able to find a fix it seems. I'll go down the list with the issues and fixes that I have done, and will update as I see fit.


    Writing to disk error - You will need to delete identity out of your steam library, then restart your computer. You will go to the steam folder that you downloaded identity in, and you will find the identity town square folder. You will delete that entire folder, and redownload identity. This is the only fix I have found to work, but if you have slow download speed I would hold off incase another work around is found.


    Crashing every time you try to play - For starters you can verify the integrity of the files. (https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335If that doesn't work, I just think there are too many players trying to join currently and the server cannot handle it or whatever. I was getting in fine not crashing or anything, but now since the servers are going on and off constantly I too am having problems with crashing every time.


    Hope these work for you, if you have found anything personally to help/work let me know I'll add it to the main post. Do this at your own discrection.

  3. 7 hours ago, Mike93 said:

    So do we have to pay the 30 dollars or can we just wait till the full game comes out

    You can pay the $15 that will be a pre order in a sense. If you don't, the price of the game will increase. So I suggest if you want the game, you should do the $15 pre order, otherwise you will end up paying more in the end.

  4. Hey welcome. So far the game is still being created. If they hit their mark, the first module will come out late next month. Basically a module is a chapter to showcase their game beforehand, and give us something to do. To be able to play in the modules and have the game, you have to pledge atleast $30 on the store page, otherwise the $15 is when the full game is released later this year, or next year.

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  5. Hey welcome to the community. Most of us here are super excited for the game, and it seems that we're all on the same page when it comes to this game being everything we've wanted. Hope to see you in the town square when it is released!

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  6. Mechanics have been talked about for quite a while, but I don't recall them talking about it in depth. I know there is going to be vehicle damage and such, but how it is fixed hasn't been figured out yet. I doubt it will be real in depth like the mechanic simulator series. I think it will be more like GTA 5 where you go and it automatically fixes it. Don't take my word as I said I haven't seen them talk about it or mention what they're doing yet, I can be completely wrong.

  7. It is just a preview of a few features and animations, it's not a preview of the entire game. You cannot be upset about the video when they have been harassed to put one together. Could it have showed more than a handful of features, or have been longer than 2 minutes? Sure. But for what they showed us it looks like it will be just fine. No game is perfect, but they are taking their time with the small company that they are, and are trying to release a game that everyone wants.

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  8. Hey guys, I was on these forums daily about 6 months ago. Recently, I've gotten excited about the release of the Town Square next month and decided to start spending time around the forums again, to hopefully build some relationships prior to the release. I'm very much into serious roleplaying, and I hope to meet people with the same interests as me. I'm going to be looking for a whitelisted server, and possible business partners. Anyway see you all around and have a good day!

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  9. Hello @Kold to answer your question you have the freedom to do as you please on Identity. Now that goes for the official servers, not any private/whitelisted servers as they will certainly have rules to follow. As for what you described I don't see as to why that would not be allowed and I fully believe that is a definite possibility.

  10. Nobody can really say for sure how it is all going to work. Clothing stores will have storefront windows that you may display your clothing from, and then the players may come in and purchase them. It reminds me a lot of GTA 5 when you walk into the clothing stores. As for a restaurant, there will be food and such so I don't see why you couldn't set up tables and such and hire people to be waiters and cooks. You may have to role play it out much more than say a clothing store.

  11. I've just recently bought into the hype a few days ago and have been playing it quite frequently. Does anybody else really play it, or do most of you play RP related games/gamemodes? If so, what do you think about the game overall?

  12. You just patiently wait for the game to be released. They will send you a code to get access to the game. If you donated enough for the beta access, then you will also have access to the modules. The modules are parts of the game in a sense to give you an idea of how it will be. The first will be the Town Square module, where you may check out the apartments and chat with other players while exploring the area. You can expect that to hopefully be ready within the next couple months. Any further questions don't be afraid to message me. Also check out the FAQs if you have not already, you can learn quite a bit! Welcome to Identity.

  13. 6 hours ago, Eriberto said:

    I have a question too:

    I just pledged 15usd, how can I know if it's done?

    If you go back to the shop, you log in. At that point you click on your name at the top right and you will see your claimable rewards which is what you get for pledging.

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