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Posts posted by JimmyRibera

  1. On 5/9/2017 at 3:17 AM, CactusJack said:

    How many vehicle variations will we see? For example different makes of motorcycles, cars etc.

    Also if you change server, would that mean you lose that apartment/house you currently own when you go to a different server and have to start again?



    22 hours ago, Judgement said:

    Will there be musical instruments in the game like a piano or guitar and if so how will they work?


    1 hour ago, Matluctob said:

    Will u able to create clothes?So could u be able to create a gang uniform?

    Already been answered in previous dev interviews.

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  2. Anything that tries to take the fun away from others in the game, there have already been great examples of this posted but for me roles such as psychopath and serial killer have no place in any proper RP world. I'll be making sure to establish myself on a private server that doesn't tolerate that kind of RP. I don't mind gangs and cartels at all if they are played properly and understand that RP works both ways (for example a kidnapping can turn out to be pretty funny for everyone involved if done right) but if its just a bunch of try-hard squeakers doing it then its no fun, again private servers will be the solution to this. Cartels, bikers and gangs etc etc all have a pretty important place in the world, I don't intend on being a part of their organizations but I'm very interested to see what an experienced bunch of cartel members can achieve 

  3. On 4/19/2017 at 11:57 AM, Threat said:

    I fully intend to kill a massive amount of people. I am going to RP as a psychopath.

    I hope you enjoy life in prison then, your character wont last long at all and purposely has zero character progression other than racking up a body count. Depending on what kind of server you're on I can imagine you'd actually just get a straight up ban. For RP to work it has to work both ways, I understand that sociopaths don't care about how other people feel about what they do but you should also understand that no one is going to care when you get banned. 

  4. What are your policies on degenerates such as homosexuals, transvestites and people who generally sexually identify themselves as something they are not? 

    Being that you would ban any leftist political party that emerges can I assume that this sort of behavior in your society will not be tolerated? I want to raise a family in a nice, clean, degenerate free society but such a thing is hard to come by these days and I fear for my child's safety living among these kinds of "people". Will your city not only be safe from criminals but these kinds of influences also?

  5. You will have to wait until their term is over to vote them out democratically. YOU the people need to be vigilant on who it is you vote into office in the first place because your choices will matter and stick for some time until you can vote them out. If you want to use force to take down a corrupt governor then you better have rock solid proof of their misdeeds and have the entire police force on your side and that being said it is them that will take the action against the governor in confronting and arresting them, you wont be doing anything unless you're really excited to receive a life sentence for your actions. if you have no proof the police will not help you in a government overthrow, depending on the level of corruption the police may still not care enough to do something that drastic. If you want to fight the entire police force to try and take the governor by force yourself you will need the entire sever backing you up to do so or you'll be going to jail for life, bye bye character.

    The governor is indeed powerful and stripping him/her from the title by force is something I don't see working out well for those that attempt to try it regardless of corruption, its very possible you could lose that character to a life sentence depending on the servers rules. If the server dynamic is that the entire government is corrupt as well as the police force then I can see a legitimate uprising taking place among the people in a workable RP sense but that would mean quite literally that everyone on the server would have to be in on it and take sides which simply isn't going to happen, people are not going to take kindly into being forced into an RP they don't want/like/agree on.

    You could write an email to the governor saying what you have just said but it is a blatant threat, law and order must be maintained and civilians taking matters into their own hands threatening members of government would be treated the same as in real life, you may even get a jail sentence for sending such a threatening email in the first place to a government official. Once you get out of jail expect to be put on a watch list and to be harassed by the police regularly when they see you. As a governor I would make a swift example of you to show the community how people who threaten government officials are treated, I'd have you in the bootie house with Tyrone so fast it will make your head spin. 

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  6. On 3/26/2017 at 7:03 AM, Hill said:

    Nobody's perfect; Good - evil, they're two sides of the same coin. Hill, he doesn't open up much, hiding behind a broken shadow of a man. He see's the world in black and white, forgotten what it meant to feel joy. He searches for answers far and wide, a sign.. help - alas' he couldn't tell you what for.

    There is no place for Hill. Hopes, dreams; Shattered, flickered away through the night. Hill tries to see a good in the world, anything to keep moving forward. A tired, strugglesom man he fails to hold a job, every day feeling different from the last.

    He likes to be alone, at least he convinces himself he's better off that way. He's renown for his unhealthy obsessions, he's your every day conspiracy theorist. Holding a particular grudge against certain political figures, he feels they're all plotting against the true American values, freedom; and he will not stand for it.

    Careful on projecting yourselves through your characters, if not that is a sure fire way to turn RP into something it shouldn't be. Keep you out of your RP character as much as you can. If you are a broken person roleplaying a broken person that's about the worst thing you can bring into this game. 

  7. This game will be all about private whitelisted servers so its not going to be a problem for people that really want to establish themselves as that is where they will be doing it. Actual children in public servers are not going to get far and wont play the game long when they realize no one wants to interact with them so once the flavor-of-the-month title wears off they will be gone, for people playing exclusively on private servers they wont know they existed to begin with. 

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  8. A political leader would be the Governor of the entire city and is quite powerful. They can dictate for example what is legal and illegal in terms of drugs and guns, they can raise or lower the tax rate and how much time criminals spend in jail for various crimes etc and can pocket a lot of money that could go to the people and do it legally, I'm sure there is much more. They are voted in however, so if you are not serving the best interests of the majority of your community you probably wont get voted back in but there is a lot of room to move if you want to be corrupt and keep it under wraps. 

  9. No need for mods if devs are consistently working on adding new assets, and they don't seem like your regular AAA devs they do seem to actually give a shit about the game and its future so because of that I can understand why they are not allowing modding whatsoever. I can also understand the position people have with not being able to mod private servers and do whatever they want with them as it wont have an impact on anyone playing the game that isn't on that server. As long as there is enough variety then its fine, but yes there still needs to be A LOT of variety in terms of the assets and customization of everything and I'd rather the devs look after all of that. I'd rather not attempt to drive someones half-assed modded vehicle that they are praising is awesome that doesn't have the same functionality as a dev made vanilla car, its not often at all that modders get it right and I'm happy this is the position they have taken. 

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  10. 44 minutes ago, Tourist said:

    I think he means, will the servers be wiped so everyone has a clean slate and a chance at... whatever.

    If there is a closed beta progress from that character will most likely be wiped when it ends, open beta onward your progress wont be wiped. Not sure if that's what's planned but that is generally how it goes 

  11. I can see car meets being a regular thing across all kinds of servers, a great way to meet new people and hang out in general in a nice part of the city. In the latest dev interview though I don't know how much variety you will have with cars, they have said the game theme in general is a modern America and most people will be driving standard sedans and SUV's (to being with anyway) so not an emphasis on old classics etc, however in the first look there is clearly a muscle car in the garage so there might be something but also that might be the only thing to choose. In the end its about the social aspect of the gathering but I would like to see a range of both new cars and old classics make their way into the game at some point especially if upgrading and tweaking your vehicles is very detailed with a ton of features 

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  12. If it all pans out and Identity has the features in place I would want to run a private server as a politician that has his fingers in organized crime, a smooth facade for the people of the city but a cut-throat cartel associate on the inside that dabbles in drugs and prostitution. It all depends on who is also playing though, the RP can only go so far as people on the server allow it in a way.

    If I'm a politician that doesn't seem to be serving the people or I'm voted out of office for some reason then the RP has to change as I'm no longer a politician, or if I get caught with evidence of my misdeeds I will lose my career. If I'm to dabble in the criminal world then I need other established criminals to associate with otherwise it cant work, so with the right people on the right server the RP will be making a lucrative living with hidden criminal dealings whilst keeping everything hidden from the people that keep me in power. If the game delivers there are plenty of ways it could go but the features need to be there but that is the foundation, where it goes from there is dictated by what characters other people are playing, the social dynamics of it are what its all about.

  13. That's how it will be on public servers, people that use mics will get more attention. For RP to actually work people need to be somewhat on the same page so private servers that have mics as essential to join will be the way to go if you want to get somewhere and form relationships with people, if you are going to text chat RP don't expect to have the same experience or for people to take you seriously 

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