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Posts posted by AlexanderFrost

  1. On 2016-12-19 at 5:03 AM, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    At this point in time, and I agree it's a bit early, how are the Dev's feeling toward the mod community? I wanted to get the conversation started now and let it grow over time. The thing here about mods, is that it gives individual players the option to "customize" or tweak their game playing experience. I'll use the most obvious go to for an example: nudity or gore. Where some people find it inappropriate for their game experience others may not. Now with this route of Dev approved or Dev developed mods comes the argument, "to each his own." This way one party can't say its unjustifiable that this game has nudity or gore or roller skates or w.e the topic might be. Creating a core foundation, then adding mods for the finer player tuned details is the way to go. Especially given the nature of this game, freedom.   

    Would be pretty sweet if there is a official 18+ server where nudity, gore, sex and other awesome non kid stuff are avaible, Like a special server for those who want to. I don't know if my idea is good, just want to throw it out :P

  2. Trailer Parks would be needed since they are cheep, Maybe they can attract some intresting redneck charachters aswell #Trevor


    Well this might not be my dream house but we all will be poor in the beggining and some forever. 

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  3. On 2016-12-06 at 6:29 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    If you play on a official server, it could be realistic to make money but easier than a private server and so no you don't have the character on the official server for every server because a community server is "PRIVATE", I must emphasise the word as because that will give the answer to you. On the other hand, you can have the character on one official, which is linked to all official servers and so you can go to different official servers. 

    So sadly no movement from one private server to another.

    Okay thanks for the answer. I fully understand and agree with that. I think its realy cool that you can move character from one official to another official :)

  4. 26 minutes ago, Motown said:

    Welcome Doxflare! You're going to love the writing feature in Identity, where players will potentially be able to write stories and distribute them to other players through in-game bookstores!

    That is really awesome, I will definitely love that feature. You guys are one of the worlds best developers :)

  5. Hello and welcome Dandud88!
    Im glad that you will protect and serve to keep it safe for people like me that just want to write books and go out on cafes to drink coffe talking with friends.

  6. Hello!

    My name is Alexander I backed the kickstarter project and cant wait to see all citizens in the world of identity. I hope to make some new friends and also make  some money for a nice living so I can buy my dream house near the coast and write books.

    Sincerely Alexander "Doxflare"