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Posts posted by ApocaBear

  1. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Good Evening/ Night and Welcome to this fabulous community!

    If you have any questions, everyone here is happy to answer but also we have lots of resources with information you may seek. Don't forget to check those out and hope we can find the answers you are looking for.

    Now what are you most excited about with in Identity?

    I am so excited about it that it will be the game that I have dreamt for as long as I can remember. I for one really am looking forward to building my public transport company and driving a bus around.

    You are not too late with joining us and are in time before the st module opens soon. 

    Nice to meet you @ApocaBear and hope we meet in game soon!

    I'd say to play the game hahahah. The game look so deep from what I saw on youtube. I almost tought that the staff showing the appartment was gonna open the fridge and cook some spaghetti! And no worries I am on board with you from the module to the beta to the full release!


    1 hour ago, DarkDIce said:

    Welcome Apocabear! This game definitely has a hook on you with the concepts the devs have created. I am sure they will suck the life from you once they release the Town Square module ;)

    Probably! Altough my job will bring me back to the real word hahah.

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  2. Good morning, good day, good night, good what ever you feel like!

    Before I start sorry for my english. I am one of those French Canadian.

    The name is ApocaBear 22 Years old. Found the game today and got hooked instantly. The concept of the game look fascinating and I can wait for the game to be released. I saw that concept from Arma 3 being stream by ImmortalHD on twitch and youtube and I always wanted to play it so bad but my nursing job took most of my time. In the game I plan to be the greatest doctor of all time or be a firefighter! And if that is possible I want to become the Pirate King and find the One Piece ;).

    Anyway that all! I am eager to meet you guys on those server peace!

    May the mother night guide you all.

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