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Posts posted by OxiusOfficial

  1. I've been playing RP games for awhile and this game looks like it'll be exactly the type of RP game I'd make if I was a developer. There are so many things missing from most others because they're essentially mods and not games meant to be RP'd in. Like San Andreas, for instance. LSRP is great (the admins are garbage though) but it's missing lots of things that would make a great RP game. You can only do so much. I hope this game lives up to the hype.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Genesai said:

    I hope you made a funny here. Injecting Marijuana. :') Smoke, vaporize, turn it into butter to bake a cake with it and many other things. You just don't inject it. :P

    OT: The positive effects you get from using drugs in Identity won't outweigh the effects you get from withdrawal. Just like in real life. Example: let's say you get a +10 stamina boost from using a drugs like Speed or Coke. This lasts for 2 to 8 hours depending on the drug. Once you get into the detox period, you'll get a -50 stamina "boost". These figures (or multiplies of it) do seem rather realistic. It would also be easy for your character to become seriously dependent on these narcotics.

    You don't inject your marijuana? 

  3. On 6/28/2017 at 10:52 AM, Peridot5XG said:

    If it is added everything should be graffitiable like cars and what not itd be fun to go around and spray a car! Espicially if gangs were targetting someone and could put a circle name and a x through it like in real life!

    A lot of people would complain about having their things ruined. I think the idea of having specific areas for graffiti is a great idea. Maybe they'll humor you and throw in some props like broken down cars or something so you're not just tagging the same wall over and over again.

  4. On 5/9/2017 at 10:31 PM, Bubbles said:

    I can see it working, but there would have to be clear rules/guidelines and possibly admin-permission for this to be pulled off sucessfully. "RPing" as a serial killer has been used as an excuse to RDM as long as I've been RP'ing and I think that's kind of what's killed the whole idea for me at this point.

    There should always, ALWAYS be rules/guidelines and admin-permission when it comes to violent/disgusting/etc. roleplay. Otherwise people will just go around killing and robbing everyone.
    Highkey hope they leave disgusting RP out of this. It was honestly shocking seeing people wanting to RP being pedophiles or children involved with them on LSRP. 

  5. Just general criminal because everyone and their mother wants to be a criminal for some reason. It can be fun to do, if you can RP it right, but most people can't and just wind up being annoying and ruining RP for everyone else. It's honestly overplayed. 

  6. I'm genuinely surprised no one else filled this out

    Name: Kaiden Caleon Scott

    Nickname: Kal, Kal East

    Reason for name: Kal is shortened from Caleon (Stylized with a K because it looks better imo) Kal East is a stage name, his nickname and East because he was born on the East Coast of the United States

    Birthday: July 7th, 1993

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male 

    Place of birth: Baltimore

    Places lived since: N/A

    Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Sarah Fauston, Caucasian, born in Atlanta, Georgia, Nurse; James Scott, African American, born in Greensboro, North Carolina, Mechanic.

    Number of siblings: 1

    Relationship with family (close? estranged?): Mother passed away when he was young, never knew his father, lives with his brother.

    Happiest memory: Cooling with childhood friends.

    Childhood trauma: Saw a friend die in a drive-by shooting.

    Children of his/her own?: Yes, 1

    If so, relationship with their mother/father?: Estranged, doesn't know about his child.

    Age he/she gave birth/became a father: 18


    Height: 6'2

    Weight: 195

    Build: Athletic

    Nationality: Mixed (Caucasian, African American)

    Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Depression, Schizophrenia

    Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Darker complexion

    Face shape: A Square shape

    Distinguishing facial features: Some facial tattoos, a small scar on his left cheek.

    Hair color: Black

    Usual hair style: Corn rows or dreads, sometimes a more natural look

    Eye color: Grey

    Glasses? Contacts?: No

    Style of dress/typical outfit(s):Joggers, designer shirts, distressed dad hats, maybe a windbreaker.

    Typical style of shoes: Jordans or Vans.

    Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): He's normally pretty resilient.

    Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Great hygiene.

    Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Several tattoos, some piercings.

    Accent?: AAVE

    Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): Crosses his arms when he's uncomfortable.

    Athletic?: Yes


    Level of education (high school drop out, undergrad BA/BS, PhD, MD, etc.): Graduated High School

    Level of self esteem: Average

    Gifts/talents: Can rap/play instruments/ excels at graphic design.

    Shortcomings: Lack of patience, easy to anger, has the potential to be overemotional

    Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Loud, but pauciloquent

    “Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: Right

    Artistic?: Yes

    Mathematical?: No

    Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: I'd say a fair blend of both

    Neuroses: Yes

    Life philosophy:In this world, whether born or adopted, all you've got is your blood.

    Religious stance: Non-religious

    Cautious or daring?: Daring

    Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Talking about his past

    Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist

    Extrovert or introvert?: Introvert

    Level of comfort with technology: Very comfortable


    Current marital/relationship status: Single

    Sexual orientation: Bi-sexual

    Past relationships: A few

    Primary reason for being broken up with: Dangerous lifestyle (Early to late teen years)

    Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Not clicking

    Level of sexual experience: Average

    Story of first kiss (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): Drunken, at a party

    Story of loss of virginity (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen, if at all?): Drunken, at a party

    A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Very introverted and kept to himself, but has some close friends

    Most comfortable around (person): His brother

    Oldest friend: N/A

    How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: Offputting and a loner.

    How do others actually perceive him/her?: Compassionate and loyal.


    Profession: Bartender, Musician

    Past occupations: Mechanic

    Passions: Music and art

    Attitude towards current job: Loves it

    Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: He is his own boss

    Salary: N/A


    (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!)

    Phobias: Fear of being alone, fear of being dirty

    Life goals: Becoming a successful musician

    Dreams: See above

    Greatest fears: Failing to achieve his dreams, losing the will to make music/art

    Most ashamed of: Choices he's made in his past.

    Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Getting black out drunk, causing him to spend a night in the drunk tank

    Compulsions: Washing things repeatedly 

    Obsessions: Worried about being dirty, whether himself or his surroundings

    Secret hobbies: N/A

    Secret skills: N/A

    Past sexual transgressions: N/A

    Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): Armed Robbery, not caught, Drug Dealing, not caught, Possession, caught, charged.

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: He wants to at least make a decent wage so he can live comfortably.

    What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: Always wanting to add more tattoos


    Daily routine: Wake up, shower, brush teeth, go to work/stay home and work on music or art, come home and go to bed.

    Night owl or early bird?: Night owl

    Light or heavy sleeper?: Light

    Favorite food: Carne Asada

    Least favorite food: Meatloaf

    Favorite book: N/A

    Least favorite book: N/A

    Favorite movie: Nightbreed 

    Least favorite movie: 31

    Favorite song: Crystal Pounds - Hurt Everybody

    Least favorite song: P's and Q's - Lil Uzi Vert

    Coffee or tea?: Coffee

    Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Crunchy

    Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): Anything flashy

    Lefty or righty?: Lefty

    Favorite color: Blue

    Cusser?: Yes

    Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: Occasional smoker, Occasional drinker, social drug user

    Biggest regret: Past choices in his life

    Pets?: A dog when he was a child

  7. I highkey don't understand why everyone wants to be a criminal.

    I'd like to RP owning and operating my own bar, if it's possible. Maybe clothing designer. Hell, I could even be a truck driver. I haven't really settled on anything for sure yet but if it's an option I'm definitely leaning towards the bar.

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  8. On 3/21/2017 at 8:44 AM, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Whole bunch of nope! 

    Marriage and adoption will be in game, however it will all be player based, not NPC. Children will be young adults at the very least, and you won't be able to sleep with your significant other.

    Who TF wants to marry or have a NPC as a significant other or child...

    The 10 people that played Fable 3.

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  9. On 3/24/2017 at 11:45 PM, DLimit said:

    Since "Identity" is a player-based game, players shall be capable of engaging in contract agreements with other companies and/or consumers in order to perform within their venue or event. For example, one could perform within a restaurant, birthday party, or a massive stage within a concert in order to accumulate wealth. Finally, subjects are capable of producing and distributing their records or CDs within the market in order to accumulate profit.

    This is a really cool idea. I'm curious to see how it would work.