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Posts posted by n0livi0n

  1. 5 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Estimates are not release dates. Does it include the Day, Month and Year? Nope, it is not a release date.


    All release dates are estimates, if it wasn't an estimate it would 100% be released on that date. A release date is a date when something gets released, and did anything release on march 21st 2018 and april 23rd 2018??? Nooo, so that wasn't a release date as well, but an estimate. Also Q1 2017 actually is a date, since it means it will be released at the latest 31/03/2017

    • Like 1

  2. 23 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    There were only 2 postponed releases and so you saying always don't make sense because they only gave 2 Official release dates which were March 21st 2018 and April 23rd 2018.... 


    No, original release date was 2016, then town square was to be released Q1 2017, then Q2 2017.... There were a lot more release dates than 2

  3. 9 hours ago, akomplice said:

    I personally like there approach, they don't release content or anything for that matter that, is not quality. Being this is a huge approach, I think it is more then fare.

    I don't, been waiting for like a year, a lot of people even longer. It's not like this is some story game, you can't get spoiled for this game. I would personally like to see actual progress, instead of some developer babbling about all the 'great things' that are supposed to come but they never show. Is that because it's their approach, or is it because they're incapable of actually making this game? I would like to know which one it is. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Unless people are the Kick-starter backers then I do not see why people complain because they have not been waiting as long as those guys have been and really those who don't pledge before complaining can't really complain either because they have nothing to lose really; however they can complain if they have waited and actually put money in. 

    So people aren't allowed to complain about waiting because other people have waited longer? That's like not being allowed to complain about losing your finger because some person lost his whole arm. 

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Mentality said:

    Youtube is showing samples of the game, the bar for the town module is at 89%, and we are seeing more and more bits of information from the forums and the Q and A videos, and yet people still persist that Identity is fake. There is a river in Egypt, and it's called denial. I just preferred to spell it that way this time. Lol May all the naysayers keep their heads buried in the sand, while I will walk the path laid out before me. ^_^

    The samples could have been created in a few weeks though, and a bar saying 89% doesn't really mean anything. They have done like what, 3 Q & A videos? I don't believe this game is a fake, i really hope it's not, but i do understand the people who say it is. 

  6. I heard something about the devs making the map bigger because of more players, but can't give a source. I think there are going to be traffic jams too, especially the highways to the cities. But if you really don't want to be in a traffic jam, you can always use the train!

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