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Posts posted by Saint6

  1. Pretty sure I already covered this. . . but I'll try again.  More meaning, a time-line of when we can expect the release of the TS module because the Task Tracker doesn't share this information. . .  and more meaning, what our pledges actually contain, the cars, apartments, the motorbikes, the sports cars, and garages etc. . .  and I will also re-iterate, I'm not speaking of "place-holder" assets.  Do I need to spell it out any further?  

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  2. DAGTAG, I get that but the reality is. . .  This "project," was supposed to have been partially launched (TS module) twice already, and it's been continually delayed.  In the working world, when there's a dead line, if it's not met, it's completely unacceptable.  That deadline has been missed twice, and we still have no update on when to expect a working concept. All I'm asking for, is the door to be opened between the Devs and the Backers.  If we had an idea of when to expect TS, there wouldn't be any issues at all. 

  3. I had a few questions regarding the modules, and Beta testing.  


    1.  After the release of the town square module, how long can we expect to wait for future modules?

    2.  After the release of the other 2 modules, how long will it take to enter Beta?

    3.  After Identity reaches Beta, how long will Beta phase last?

    4, 5, and 6.  Is there a current road map of the future of Identity, other than what's on the website here?

  4. Sniping can be tricky, A lot of weapon sway and inaccuracy right now because the skill tree isn't implemented yet. But it's still a lot of fun. . .  can't wait to have to dodge AI snipers, maybe even chase them down with a gerber LoL!

  5. Oh haha, not playin much tonight. . .  usually I play as a "scav," I go in with absolutely nothing, wait for a while in bushes and shadows, then loot it up! I usually only start with the tomahawk.  Been waiting for this new patch though, increased AI intelligence, and Snipers xD !!!

  6. 4 minutes ago, Arky said:

    What are your plans when you play? I might team up with you man.

    I assume you mean in Identity. . . lol, I'll probably be a gunsmith/manufacturer. . .  I could probably use some close friends :D


  7. So I gotta say, Escape from Tarkov has got to be one of the CRAZIEST first person shooters. . .  It's not your typical COD shooter, No, you've gotta stay low and slow. . . and be mindful of your own presence as well as other players and AI.  While it's still in Alpha, there's been a lot of progress made in the past month.  When I first started, I wasn't exactly impressed with the gameplay. . .  but it's improved a LOT!  If you like to dig your fingernails into your mouse and keyboard, and then nearly sh!t yourself when a shotgun goes off unexpectedly, and you die, you might really enjoy EFT.  I wouldn't recommend it if you have little patience, it's definitely a "hardcore" shooter/survival game.  There're a LOT of videos on youtube of EFT, but don't be fooled. . .  The guys who were lucky enough to get a "Press Account" along with the NDA lifted, get special access to gear which isn't available to players right away. . .  So don't expect to pickup a gun and go, it's more like: you've gotta first build/find/buy a weapon after you've done some looting and earned a few Rubles, which isn't exactly easy. . .

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