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Posts posted by RAWICK

  1. if you buy the founder pack you will get access to the beta access and the modules which come before the beta. you can find them here.

    Right now there is no Alpha version, the closest thing to that is the 'Town Square Module', when complete you will be able to test out some of the game features like Character Creation and other stuff...

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    My name is Ray, I'm interested in jobs like 'being cop' or 'being a soldier in the army' because in my opinion it's much better and much more exciting to be in a life or death situation and having to work with your partners to save people rather than driving a truck across the map. I may not have a lot of experience in the security industry but i think i'd be a good security guard because i'm good at following orders and a quick learner.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  3. I've pledged like 3 days ago and about the town square module being stuck at 76%, I've read in another post that it was stuck on around 50% and that it moved to 76% a month later or something. Also if they for example 'finish a building in the town square module' they don't change it to 77% or 80% they wait until enough work is done to change it to 89% or even 95%.

  4. That's a really good idea! but in my opinion it would much better and quicker if you could pay someone ( Preferably AI but could be a Player ) to do the scoping out and getting the guns and equipment like Lester from GTA 5 or the other guy from online.

  5. 1) Age: I'm 15.

    2) Location: I'm from Morocco.

    3) How long have you been gaming: for over 5 or 6 years now.

    4) Which role do you currently prefer: I'd like to be a part of the private military.

    5) PvE, PvP, or Hybrid: Definitely hybrid so it's not fully violent and it's not fully peaceful, it's in that sweet spot between the two.

    6) How many hours per week do you plan on playing: around 20 hours a week (1-2 hours per day, 8+ hours per Saturday and Sunday.)

    6) What is the reason why you want to join: It's my first time roleplaying, and when i saw people creating groups and jobs i wanted to join them so that later on i wouldn't be lost, but instead i'd have people to guide me through the process. I also hope to make some new friends cause the ones i have currently aren't available to join me on this adventure. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, RileyRedbeard said:

    Damn fine job. Tough SOB who knows a thing or two about tech and has the drive to accomplish his goals. Looks like you'll be the assertive do-it-yourself individual.

    That's what i'm aiming for. Sometimes when you need something done it's better to do it yourself.

  7. Well I just read everything you guys wrote and this is what i'm able to create so far:

    Ray Wick is a young immigrant from a country destroyed by war. He had a bright future in the tech industry, but soon everything slipped away from him. So he moved to a new country far away from where he was born, so he could start over again. But fearing that what destroyed his old home would destroy his new one, he decided to join a private military organisation to defend his clients, his friends, his home. His goal is to get enough money to jump start his company in the tech industry.


    Still needs some work but thanks to you guys i got something at least. :D

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