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Posts posted by Loleliam

  1. Awesome! I'll give you some quick details about me if you're interested in hiring me.

    RP Name: Loleliam

    Forum Name: Loleliam

    Age: 16 but will in game be around 20.

    Why do you want to work for Supreme™Because Supreme is one of my favorite brands and I think I could help developing it since I have some experience with it which I've gained by visiting Supreme stores and meeting people with Supreme gear and have a few ideas on what new gear could look like and what brands we could collaborate with to sell the dopest gear to exist.

    What area are you looking to work in? (Corporate, Design, Retail): I'm looking to work with either Corporation or Design, I've not decided yet but I will be happy with either one, now if I choose to work with corporation I will  work with Finance/Marketing since I know how economics work, if I choose to work with design I would either like to work with graphical design or project management. Project management is probably what I want to do the most since I'm good at leading projects, for instance if we're gonna collaborate with a brand then I will make sure everyone do what they gotta do and keep the climate cool at the same time.

    What Position are you applying for?: As I mentioned above project management is what I want to do the most.

    Do you have a working mic?: Yes.

    If you want more information make sure to message me and I'll reply as quick as I can or we could talk more in some sort of interview.



  2. Just a question, if you sell an item, for instance a box logo hoodie, will it only sell a few copies like in real life? And then people can either keep it as a rare item or resell it for a much higher price?

  3. Name: Liam, not decided surname yet.
    Age: In my early 20s
    From (City, Country): I've grown up in wherever the game is taking place.
    Appearance (Body, Face): I'm black, tall, about 6'4, plays basketball so I am athletic.
    Attire: You'll see me wear Jordans or what ever they're called in this game, jeans and hoodies of some brand, usually Nike, Adidas, Champion or even Supreme.
    Job: My job is not 100% clear but if you can have a basketball career I will, if not, I'll probably work with business of some sort.
    Detail of House: The dream is to live in a big house with an ocean view but realistically I'll probably live with some friends in an apartment or smaller house. 
    Detail of Car/ Vehicle: I will definitely drive a sports bike like an R6 or a CBR600RR and own a car if I can afford it. The car will probably be a wagon such as a Volvo V90, Audi A6 or a Shooting Brake Mercedes Benz. 
    Personality: I'm nice to most people, I will probably judge you by your looks until I get to know you. I will have a mind for business which hopefully will get me somewhere in life.
    Background: I grew up here and fell in love with the basketball at a young age, I grew up in the hood and had a great childhood and graduated with high grades.

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