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Posts posted by LarryKallahan

  1. I think Identity is limitless. I feel that the devs are going to change the way RPG's are created and interacted with. If they do pull off what they say they can, the world of gaming will change forever. So I would say this to you. You might not be able to do certain things on release but eventually I think you will be able to do what ever you can imagine.

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  2. Well maybe they will read this and who knows, I may be picking up the local garbage and driving it to the landfill and one of you may be the plant manager overseeing the sorting of recyclables and someone else may run the recycling plant. Don't worry if I come across and body parts i'll keep it hush, hush for a small fee.

  3. Some people wanna be Cops, some criminals and some bankers. Always the quick dollar, I don't mind doing the dirty jobs. Ever seen what happens when a garbage collection plant goes in strike...