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Posts posted by Muilisx

  1. I have my mind set on being a police officer. I don't know much about how that's going to work as in are there different servers where you can be a cop on one of the servers etc etc.

    I'm not sure if people are already forming like guilds or whatever or already forming a list of players who they're already going to join together on a server and already know who's going to be who. I would like to pre-apply to be an officer on one of the servers. I'm an admin of two facebook groups, I'm a mod on a forum, and I'm guild leader on WoW so I definitely fit the role of a cop.

    so if someone can point me in the direction to get myself on a list or if someone is making a server ( or however that works ), and needs a cop, please let me know I'm your man.

    I would make a great addition to the police team.



    • Like 1

  2. Thanks!

    What exactly are modules? Sorry for asking, I tried to Google it but can't find what I'm looking for. Just curious what the 3 are and what they mean for the game.

    Are you the boss man of the K-Y server? Is that one of the servers I could choose to play on? Sorry, I just learned about this game tonight, and watched the YT video on it, and it sounds absolutely amazing. I think I want to be a cop. If it actually means like really being a cop. Being able to be chilling on the side of the road monitoring drivers, pull one over who is speeding, or perhaps answering a call from a 7-11 type store that was robbed, or a citizen calls the police because of a altercation with their neighbor. If it works like that I really want to be a cop for sure.


    This game seems almost too good to be true but I can't wait. I'll definitely get into this for sure. I just need to find a good service, and guild / clan, or whatever they're going to be called in identity.



  3. Is buying the citizen package buying the game? I'm just a little confused how this works. Is the Citizen fee like a monthly subscription fee to be able to play and then I have to pay for the game when the game comes out? or,  is this the game I'm paying for and just choosing the package I want for my account?

