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Posts posted by Ravo

  1. 19 hours ago, Xzothi said:

    I have never been a band in a game before. Normally just mess around by my self. I could try it but there is no saying how well I will do or not do.  Depending on the sound your going for even with rock you could use a double bass.(Also known as upright bass.)  If you want more of that deep clean like sound.  That is if you wanted a little difference to your band to stand out a bit. Just like I have seen some rock have a piano in it.(Example evanescence yes I do see them as rock)  


    What instrument would I use? I would be willing to use a double bass or a bass guitar.(I do like the sound of the double bass more though.) If no interest then hope you can get positions filled before the game gets launched or after.  I do want to mention as well that I will have also a ems job. 


    I think a double bass would sound a bit out of place if we're going to play the type of rock I had in mind. I was thinking that an electric bass would work just fine. But you're in, I'm in dire need of a great bassist ;) 

  2. 3 hours ago, Electriq said:

    I actually play the guitar, so a band sounds good to my ears. Hit me up when the first module’s released ;)

    Yeah absolutely, it might take a while for that to come out lol. But yeah I'll see you then ;) 

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  3. Looking for members

    Hey I'm thinking of creating a rock band. I've not come up with a name yet, I'm open for suggestions or I'll have to figure that out on my own. I'm going to play the guitar and possibly do the vocals (if no one else is willing). There's basically room for any type of band member.  May that be a drummer, a fine bassist, another guitarist or maybe a vocalist. You name it. If you want to be a part of my band or simply wish me luck, feel free to comment or PM me :)

    But hey, I'm also looking for jam buddies if anyone's interested. You don't have to be a part of my band in order to jam out. As I said before, feel free to comment or PM me if you're interested :) 

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  4. Conor without a doubt. He knows the psychology with the fighting world and knows how to exploit his opponents weaknesses. He has an almost flawless technique in his fighting style where he is perfectly relaxed while being able to utilize his kinetic chain to deliver the most power. Floyd is an expert on collecting points in boxing, Conor is an expert in delivering the KOs. That's my opinion after 7 years of martial arts experience

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  5. I'd like to join and I've experience in RP and some experience in written rp. But my time zone is CEST so I don't know if it could work to roleplay with you all. Depends on if there is other EU players in the group. But if not, I don't think it would work

  6. 4 hours ago, SupremeLeader said:

    There will be a "training" portion through Police Academy in-game that will act as a tutorial and teach you how to properly exercise good uses of your powers as a policeman.


    As of who will be in-charge, I assume it will just be a vote via the Policemen as to who they want to be their Chief.

    Thank god. We wouldn't want another RDM bloodbath game on our hands, again. (dark rp)

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  7. I was wondering if there will be some kind of mechanic where you could have several characters that you can play on identity. Like if I for example want to play as a cop on one character but at the same time want to play as a drug dealer on another. If not then there's risk for that a bunch of people will get tired of playing their character because they wanna try out another career. And eventually get tired of the game

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  8. Will people be able to run a couple of jobs for your gang without "joining" it. I'll possibly need some extra pocket money on the side, but I don't want to get too entangled in gangs. Is that possible or do I have to join the gang to run jobs for you?

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  9. I think it's great that some ambitious people take it upon themselves to make these kinds of organisations. But I think that we have enough MC gangs, mafia, street gangs and private military organisations already. The city that we're going to play in is going to be one big battlefield lol

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  10. 1 hour ago, LuckyDuck said:

    10/10 For Gold Finger and The Man With The Golden Gun.


    Star Wars (Films 1 - 6)

    8/10 The prequels where pretty bad, cool (lightsaber fights tho). But overall, star wars is a classic and therefor deserve an 8/10. 



    Saw: 1-6

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  11. Well this is the first anime crime agenda that I've ever seen, good work. What kind of crimes will you commit, and how are you going to do them? Will you be known to be the biggest anime weed growers? Or will you guys rob people with your kunai?

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  12. I'm a big fan of haunted houses and halloween myself and it would be cool if they could set this thing up on halloween but it depends on what resources they have and if they're busy with other stuff. Maybe they could add a haunted house and trick or treat paid dlc on halloween ;) ^^

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