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Posts posted by Jolly_Jess

  1. I know a lot of people are nervous to sing, which is why I sing too.  I try to coax people into having a good time because some people want to participate, but are just shy and need a little push.  My philosophy whenever people tell me they can't sing, "Everyone can sing, not everyone can sing well.  As long as you're having fun it doesn't matter."

  2. I have a couple of questions that didn't get answered (or asked) on the twitch stream.  Thought I'd try to keep all of my questions to one thread to keep the forums clean, and will continue to update with more questions as I have them... But to the list!

    • Seasons - Will there be seasonal changes to the game?  Like, leaves turning colors in Autumn or snow in Winter, or holiday event decorations?
    • Art - I haven't delved much into looking at how art is done.  Can we upload an image?  Is it like MS paint?  Can tablets be integrated to draw/paint?
    • Phone Art - Can we use said art ^ to create custom phone cases?
    • Cross-Communication - Will there be a way to communicate with people on our friend's lists via the phone or internet while they are on another server?
    • Mini Games - Will there be mini games within the game such as an arcade or sports events?