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Posts posted by Alpha

  1. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Is one referencing to the class-traitors that do not abide by The Communist Manifesto, indicating that proletarians should possess the ability to govern the nation rather than a corrupted bourgeoisie?

    Research the following:

    Direct Democracy (has not existed within Socialist or Communist states)

    Answer this and I'll step by step debunk communism. What communist governments were set up?

  2. 6 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    List a single Communist government that has existed within the planet Earth that has not functioned as either a Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie through a counter-revolution or has underwent countless embargoes by The West to the extent that the nation struggles to thrive.

    So was Stalins' regime real communism?

  3. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Communists tend to produce a Socialist Worker's State under a vanguard party prior to forming a class-less society. In the process, Communists oppose the Bourgeois-state and the free-market economy while valuing a Proletarian-state within a planned-economy.

    Communists tend to violently over throw governments because there shit people that use the normal persons problems as propaganda and the attack, kill and censor anyone who disagrees.

  4. When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism When a communist government fails but that's okay because it's not real communism 

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, TonyOcculta said:

    In Denmark the taxes are about 45% of your earnings. From there, the money goes to the military, health-care, the elders, school-systems and so on. By paying this much, whoever you are, you have right to get treated at the hospital. You have many free rights, and as oddly as it sounds, we the danes are happy about it. So I cannot see how 3% will cover us, the people. Old Betty walks across the road. She just found out that there is no treatment for cancer, at the hospital. She goes home to her apartment. She's sad and has no-one to talk to. She goes to the rooftop, and jumps, knowing that she will be spared many months, maybe years of pain. I would gladly pay extra to make sure everyone is healthy, and is able to live on because of a government, that has the necessary resources to heal us.

    Listen here commie, if the government charges us half, our economy would be crippling like Denmark, where most families can afford 1 car and a shitty house. Capitalism with low taxes is the best system 

  6. 7 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    There are safe zones where people cannot be harmed such as library's and schools. RDM is a bannable offense and from what I've seen the devs plan on moderating the servers. If 250 people are running around killing each-other without cause then those people will be banned.

    Look at asylum life servers, they run them and everyone RDM's

    • Like 1

  7. On 5/29/2016 at 10:55 AM, Raffen said:

    Silencers don't exist. There is nothing you can fit on the end of a gun that makes it inaudible from under 200 meters away. Suppressors make the gun slightly quieter, but exist mainly to stop muzzle flash.

    There both the same thing, and theres no "suppressor" that can fully suppress noice and no silencer that can fully silence it. They just reduce the noise output.

    • Like 1

  8. 14 hours ago, Luck said:

    Before you go around acting like you own the place plz do some research (practice wat u preach), if u clicked on my profile you'd see I joined January second which is the minute this website  went up, and if a simple comment gets u going this much maybe ur not ready for a community game


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  9. On 12/19/2016 at 1:23 PM, BluePandaIta said:

    You both clearly don't know anything about the game. I'd suggest you actually use the search bar since this has been answered more than enough times.

    Also, you're new around here so try not to be such a smarty about everything.

    The hell is your problem?

    • Like 3

  10. 44 minutes ago, Herzog said:

    A tad cocky and rude wouldnt you say? ...

    Not at all, just doing him a common courtesy so that none of his busy schedule is used up trying to do something that will never happen. I'm sure you understand.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Bud1lite said:

    Thanks,so what kind of specs are going to be needed to play the game fully detailed?

    Not sur what specs exactly, but a good bit less then arma. So any decent computer should be able to run it 

    • Like 2

  12. They had a solution to this implemented to arma Atlis life, when you wanted to log out, you had to wait 30 seconds, or if they were kidnapped or handcuffed they wouldn't be able to leave without syncing there account. If they Alt F4, it would desync them and make them lose progress

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