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Posts posted by Alpha

  1. 6 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    The identical statement could be applied to the Neo-Liberals, such as your self, that automatically appeal to propaganda from the 1960s rather than conducting an in-depth analysis on the political sciences, economics, and Marxist theory.

    <--- Majoring in Political Sciences and International Development with the intent of functioning as a professor and a Lawyer.

    P.S. Your argument throughout the entire discussion: "They said they were Communists. Thus, they are Communists. They said that they were unicorns. Thus, they MUST be unicorns" while forming ad hominem (personal fallacies) regarding my intelligence throughout the discussion.

    Enjoy the remainder of the day. MAY THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!

    The workers of the world have united, its called buisness

  2. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    The truth has already been discovered. However, your person seems to be analyzing your own narrative rather than conducting an in-depth analysis on the subject.


    The Russian Revolution (Leon Trotsky)
    Paris Commune (Marx)
    Trotsky's Stalin (Allan Woods)
    The Revolution Betrayed (Leon Trotsky)

    I see your sources were unbiased. Now sir unless you are incapable of reading, I have stated 3 times that this ends. Can you read?

    Good day

  3. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Which Truth? The idea that a government is Communist considering that a bourgeois-state claims that it is Communist? According to your logic, a human being is a unicorn considering that it claims to be a unicorn.

    Perhaps you missed the part about being a better man? This discussion ends here until you look for the truth and not your narrative 

  4. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Indeed, such nations were not Communist based on the SOLE PREMISE that the nations were governed by RULING CLASS BUREAUCRATS rather than THE PEOPLE.

    You've EVADED the answer...

    I evaded nothing my friend, but you have managed to evade the truth. Let us be better than most and end the discussion here.

  5. I'll end it here with a quote from Ronald Regan because I sell we will both not change


    How do you tell a Communist? It's someone who reads Marx and Lenin.

    And how do you tell an AntiCommunist? It's someone that understands Marx and Lenin.


    Good day to you sir 

  6. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Indeed, it clearly indicates that working-class citizens are incapable of attaining access to healthcare and education considering that the petty-bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie intend to maintain their power.

    It's a capitalist bourgeois-state that merely serves the interests of the bourgeoisie.

    The capitalists state of GOVERMENT MANDATED HEALTHCARE? That's capitalist? And Nazi stands for Nation Socialist Germans workers party. SOCIALIST you stupid fuck. The first thing he did was inact left wing policy's like gun control and high taxes. So learn your shit and shut up.

  7. I'll end it here with a quote from Ronald Regan because I sell we will both not change


    How do you tell a Communist? It's someone who reads Marx and Lenin.

    And how do you tell an AntiCommunist? It's someone that understands Marx and Lenin.


    Good day to you sir 

  8. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Classifying Stalin's U.S.S.R. would be identical to classifying Nazi Germany as a Free-Market economy.

    No, because Nazi Germany was very socialist and communist as well, and they openly admitted they were communists and they followed Marxist and communist policies.

  9. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    The income-inequality gap has expanded within each and every country that was listed within the forum since the early 1900s, indicating that socialist policies were not the cause for the expanding gap. In the process, such nations had ABOLISHED or weakened an extensive amount of Socialist policies during the transition from the Keynesian economy to the Neo-Liberal economy (Free-Market). Thus, the expanding income-inequality gap is the effect of capitalism.

    First off, that fourm is not guaranteed to be authenticit. Secondly respond to my question, why in communist china, North Korea, and The Ussr(TWICE) both kill millions of people to install communism

  10. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    The identical scenario applies to The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Germany, South-Korea, South Africa, France etc...

    It does not apply to to all of these countries, and you did not respond to the fact that many countries on that list are very socialist, with many communist influences

  11. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    One should analyze the Cause of the "bourgeois-revolution" a.k.a. Stalin prior to arguing that Communism was responsible for such deaths.

    Stalin's U.S.S.R. was a State-CAPITALIST Degenerative Worker's State.

    One should research such information in DEPTH prior to spouting ad hominem claims at my person.

    It was not capitalist, it was a government controlled economy that was communist where people would have to wait in food lines. Tell me, why did 50 million people die under stalinStalin

  12. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    According to the expanding income-inequality gap between the rich and the poor within Western Advanced-Capitalist Neo-Liberal Democracies, one's argument is invalid. Meritocracy ceases exist due to the expanding inequality gap since wealthy shareholders that possess a large concentration of wealth within the private sector while lobbying politicians within the public sector prevent working-class citizens from prevailing within society. 

    That's in Canada, a place with free healthcare and many other similar communist ideas, as shown in that source

  13. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Communist nations have not existed throughout the globe considering that such nations were governed by "The Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" rather than "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat". Furthermore, The United States of America and The United Kingdom has executed MILLIONS of human beings throughout the globe, including it's own citizens, on behalf of big businesses and the bourgeois-state.

    Whether it may be through colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialist wars within Latin-America, Africa, Asia, or The Middle East, or the execution of dissidents such as members of the Black Panthers....

    First off, fighting wars isn't executing people, secondly, America could take over half the fucking world in hours if they were imperialist. Thirdly the black panthers were a terrorist group, but that just shows where you stand

  14. 5 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Is one aware that working-class citizens are responsible for producing each and every commodity and service that one has consumed? However, the bourgeoisie or capitalist class, such as wealthy CEOs, sit on their arse throughout the entire day while accumulating millions of dollars on our hard labour.

    You're misinterpreting Communism for Stalinism.

    Working class citizens are responsible for what they want, because under capitalism they get that choice. They can work hard for more, or work little for less. As for CEO and small buisness owners they provide jobs and risked incredible amounts of money to make a buisness. So until you have to do payroll on your credit card, shut the fuck up.

  15. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    My person did not claim that Communist nations had existed within the planet Earth. In the process, your person should research the theories of Communism from Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky prior to assuming that Josef Stalin was a Communist. In fact, capitalism has executed more human beings than Communism through a combination of poverty and imperialism.


    First off you stupid idiot, talking backwards and in the first person doesn't make you smarter. And every communist government has killed millions with the death toll over hundreds of millions. Name one capitalist government that killed that many of its citizens

  16. You need to do some research and Shut the Fuck up because you haven't talked to or seen people who have had their families dragged out of their houses and shot for now believing in communism, BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO WORK FOR THEIR FAMILY YOU DEGENERATE PEICE OF SHIT. COMMUNISM KILLS YOU STUPID FUCK.

  17. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Not at all, Stalin betrayed the individual that had formed the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky, by assassinating his person within Argentina. In the process, Marx advocates that the worker's state should function as a "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", indicating that working-class citizens should possess the Right to elect Laws through a direct-democracy while ceasing the means of production. However, Stalin had suppressed any "dissidents" through either imprisonment or execution. Thus, the state was governed by "The Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" rather than the proletariat.

    And that is communism. A man abuses and used his nation, filling them with propaganda and killing and censoring anyone who didn't listen to them. Stalin was real communism, and it resulted in 50 million people dead.