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Posts posted by DickVanWinkle

  1. Ok, let’s all be honest! Half of the people playing will be dealing in illegal activities at some point in the game, maybe more. My small idea as far as drugs go or a small time drug dealer is, If someone owns a home or place to stay they can cook their own drugs or even plant the drugs within the home with supplies they can get from the market. The supplies will consist of synthetic names of course because I have a feeling people would try combining these substances to make drugs in real life. So for instance, if I want to cook heroin I will have to get the utilities to cook them, pots, pressure cooker etc, some of these utilities will be illegal to have and if caught while transporting them from a black market dealer to your home then a search warrant could be provided to search my home and I would get caught etc. Very risky. Secondly after making the drugs heroin in this case you would then need a means to transport the heroin to distributer also risky, but before that the heroin needs to be packaged first so now I package the heroin with illegal packaging I acquire from the black market. At the end of the day this process works for essentially all drugs and can be a great way to make a little extra side cash or career provided you don’t get caught. As far as growing weed, that would require flower pots soil and illegal seeds to grow inside your home and you couldn’t grow a lot at a time, if you had a home in the country or a secret spot in the country then you could obviously plant more in the country with a little less risk involved because all you have to do is plant and disappear for a few hours and illegally transport them that could be another method for those types of drugs same with opium or any drug plants.  I think it would be a great addition to the game. What does everyone think?