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Posts posted by Lefow

  1. I searched a bit on the forums but couldn't find anything..

    As the title says, will we be able to sell for example an one bedroom appartment? and does a player have to buy it or is it just sold to a npc? And where would the prices be around? 
    I'm asking this question because im considering to pledge 50$ more to my 100$ pledge, but im not sure if only the one bedroom appartment is the 50$ worth..

    Thanks in advance! :)

  2. 1 hour ago, Kaitlyn said:

    No one but the developers really know, and even they aren't sure. They are getting close, though every time someone suggests a possible time frame, it's extended. They will release a new video before the module, so once that happens it should be close.  You should have some warning before it comes out.

    Alright, thanks for the reply! :)

  3. Hello Identity community! :)

    I would like to know if any of you know about when the first module is released?

    And before all the ''read FAQ'' comments, i have read it, but it just says ''around easter''. Keep in mind, im not asking for a specific date, just month or anything like that.

  4. 1 hour ago, HairyGrenade said:

    Hello and welcome @Lefow, thanks for deciding to join this community! Unfortunately the game's development hasn't progressed as expected, so it's been delayed. Although, the modules will be released before the far release date!

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me :)

    Oh thats quite sad.. oh well, guess we can't do anything else than wait, thanks for the quick answer though! :) 

  5. Hello identity community, i've been following this project since the first video came out (approx. 1 year ago) Anyways, i've been reading tweets about, that the devs are expecting the game to release early 2017, but in the forums people say late 2017 or early 2018.

    I know it hasn't been confirmed yet, but i just wanted to know if anyone knew more about the approx. release date..

    -Anyways, greetings from Denmark! :D