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Posts posted by ItsJedi

  1. Hello Everyone!

    My name is Jedi, but in game i will be known as Jack. I've followed the development of this game for quite some time and have always wanted to pledge to it. This is the exact immersive game i have been waiting for and i cannot wait to get in game with all of you. I have played quite a few RP servers ranging from Dayz to Gmod. (dayz, arma 2-3, gmod, reign of kings, ect) And i will say that this game looks to be the defining game of the RPMMO genre. The endless possibilities you have in this is mind blowing and i am so happy i can finally contribute to the development. 


    A little about myself.

    My online name is Jedi, I'm currently 27 years old and i play anything that strikes my fancy. I do have a youtube channel that i plan on making videos of Identity on.  I'm an Army Veteran so i really enjoy the whole milsim/reality of some games and servers. I RP pretty well in most situations but i am not shy when it comes to putting someone who is failing to RP in their place. Having a military background, i do appreciate why rules and regulations are put into place and follow them to the letter. 

    In conclusion,

    I absolutely cannot wait to jump into this and create "Jack Leyhe" and to see what the community does and how much it grows. I hope to see you all in game sometime. Also, If i buy a house and any of you come across it. Go ahead and knock. The door will always be open for you!


    Much Love,


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