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Posts posted by RogerTheShrubber

  1. This is a great Idea! I think that the elected senate officials shouldn't be a part of any political party. I also think that the senate officials should be elected by the people they represent from their laid out districts. This would be helpful because then they would come to congress or meetings with ideas from their constituents and help craft laws or policy. This way everyone gets represented.

  2. I propose a minimum wage of 10-12$. This will be enough to sustain a living and not break the bank of your employer. I think if minimum wage was anymore than that inflation start to be a serious issue and large corporations would suffer thus slowing business growth and the economy. I also think that you should get raises based on your merit if you work hard you will make more!


    Note: We don't know for sure what the economy is going to look like so all of this is not set in stone as of yet.


    The Freedom Party

    Party Mission:

    This party has been formed due to the lack of quality of individuals running for governor of the Island of Identity. Our mission is to advance the agenda of the people of Identity and ensure their freedoms as the people of this great land. We shall make sure that no dictator, no fame seeker, and no money grabber shall ever hold the position of governor on this great island.


    Party Officials:

    Governor Candidate: Roger

    Party Leader: Alpha

    Party Commissioners: Kyle, and Aus

    More pending





    Gun Control- On this issue our candidate expresses the inalienable right for every man to bear arms. These legal guns include anything from pistols to rifles that are of civilian grade. Permits will have to be issued to those seeking automatic weapons and a firm vetting process by the administrative office. Those who work for private businesses like security, transportation and other will have more freedom to use those arms. There will also be background checks for those looking to purchase any weapon.


    Penalty for breaking the law: Jail time(how long TBD)


    Reasoning: This I believe will be a very important law because I believe that a lot of people are going to want to have an automatic which may lead to deadly shootouts with cops. Jail times must be stiff for this reason.



    Marijuana- Marijuana will be legal in the island of Identity to sell in shops and stores designated to sell the item. It may be smoked freely. Marijuana will also be slightly taxed by the government (see the tax laws for more info). Those who get caught selling marijuana without the correct permits will be fined heavily but since this is a non-violent  crime no jail time shall occur.


    Penalty for breaking the law: 1st offense: 50$, 2nd offense: 100$, and doubles from then on.

    Reasoning: We don’t want people to undercut legit businesses to make a quick profit. We want to protect our businesses no matter what it is and we will be tough on law breakers. At the same time, jail time for a non-violent crime is a governmental waste and will only result in lost money. ONLY FINES!







    Legalized Drugs





    Code all new businesses will not have to pay taxes for 3 months so they can get on their feet.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: If you don't pay your taxes you will be jailed after the 3rd offense. There will be no additional fines placed on you. Jail time TBD.


    Reasoning: We want to ensure the growth of our businesses out there because after all that’s how people are going to make money. So by giving you the 3 strike rule this will give you a chance to redeem yourself. We will have just jail time because adding more fines to your unpayable taxes would just ruin you more and it would be stupid.



    Non-Violent crime- This will mostly be met with fines.


    What is a non-violent crime? Speeding, Selling Marijuana illegally, Doing various things without a license. Basically anything that doesn’t hurt someone or yourself.



     Term Limits- You can only be governor 3 times before you have to pass off the torch peacefully.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: I’d hope people rise up and rebel because then you would have a dictator.


    Reasoning: We want to promote fresh ideas and don’t want a dictator.



    Pardoning- Governor may pardon individuals only by having the rest of his cabinet confirm it.

    Reasoning: We don’t want a political party to pardon people just because they like them or have some type of illegal business dealings with them.



    Healthcare- We shall leave this up to the private companies the government has no right to dictate your healthcare. We’re talking about your life here.



    Optional Welfare- If you're poor and really trying to get by you may apply for welfare. This would mean you would have to take a drug test and background test to make sure the money doesn’t go to waste. The money you would receive would only cover some living expenses.


    This law will only be in place if the Government can spare the money.



    Optional Business Incentives- This governor wants to put together a fund to give incentives to businesses who are doing well. More to come with this!



    Flexibility that doesn't break your budget!

    Copy of Vote101.jpg

  4. The Freedom Party

    Party Mission:

    This party has been formed due to the lack of quality of individuals running for governor of the Island of Identity. Our mission is to advance the agenda of the people of Identity and ensure their freedoms as the people of this great land. We shall make sure that no dictator, no fame seeker, and no money grabber shall ever hold the position of governor on this great island.


    Party Officials:

    Governor Candidate: Roger

    Party Leader: Alpha

    Party Commissioners: Kyle, and Aus

    More pending





    Gun Control- On this issue our candidate expresses the inalienable right for every man to bear arms. These legal guns include anything from pistols to rifles that are of civilian grade. Permits will have to be issued to those seeking automatic weapons and a firm vetting process by the administrative office. Those who work for private businesses like security, transportation and other will have more freedom to use those arms. There will also be background checks for those looking to purchase any weapon.


    Penalty for breaking the law: Jail time(how long TBD)


    Reasoning: This I believe will be a very important law because I believe that a lot of people are going to want to have an automatic which may lead to deadly shootouts with cops. Jail times must be stiff for this reason.



    Marijuana- Marijuana will be legal in the island of Identity to sell in shops and stores designated to sell the item. It may be smoked freely. Marijuana will also be slightly taxed by the government (see the tax laws for more info). Those who get caught selling marijuana without the correct permits will be fined heavily but since this is a non-violent  crime no jail time shall occur.


    Penalty for breaking the law: 1st offense: 50$, 2nd offense: 100$, and doubles from then on.

    Reasoning: We don’t want people to undercut legit businesses to make a quick profit. We want to protect our businesses no matter what it is and we will be tough on law breakers. At the same time, jail time for a non-violent crime is a governmental waste and will only result in lost money. ONLY FINES!







    Legal Drugs





    Code all new businesses will not have to pay taxes for 3 months so they can get on their feet.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: If you don't pay your taxes you will be jailed after the 3rd offense. There will be no additional fines placed on you. Jail time TBD.


    Reasoning: We want to ensure the growth of our businesses out there because after all that’s how people are going to make money. So by giving you the 3 strike rule this will give you a chance to redeem yourself. We will have just jail time because adding more fines to your unpayable taxes would just ruin you more and it would be stupid.



    Non-Violent crime- This will mostly be met with fines.


    What is a non-violent crime? Speeding, Selling Marijuana illegally, Doing various things without a license. Basically anything that doesn’t hurt someone or yourself.



     Term Limits- You can only be governor 3 times before you have to pass off the torch peacefully.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: I’d hope people rise up and rebel because then you would have a dictator.


    Reasoning: We want to promote fresh ideas and don’t want a dictator.



    Pardoning- Governor may pardon individuals only by having the rest of his cabinet confirm it.


    Reasoning: We don’t want a political party to pardon people just because they like them or have some type of illegal business dealings with them.



    Healthcare- We shall leave this up to the private companies the government has no right to dictate your healthcare. We’re talking about your life here.



    Optional Welfare- If you're poor and really trying to get by you may apply for welfare. This would mean you would have to take a drug test and background test to make sure the money doesn’t go to waste. The money you would receive would only cover some living expenses.


    This law will only be in place if the Government can spare the money.


    Optional Business Incentives- This governor wants to put together a fund to give incentives to businesses who are doing well. More to come with this!


    Flexibility that doesn't break your budget!

    Copy of Vote101.jpg

    • Like 1


    The Freedom Party

    Party Mission:

    This party has been formed due to the lack of quality of individuals running for governor of the Island of Identity. Our mission is to advance the agenda of the people of Identity and ensure their freedoms as the people of this great land. We shall make sure that no dictator, no fame seeker, and no money grabber shall ever hold the position of governor on this great island.


    Party Officials:

    Governor Candidate: Roger

    Party Leader: Alpha

    Party Commissioners: Kyle, and Aus

    More pending





    Gun Control- On this issue our candidate expresses the inalienable right for every man to bear arms. These legal guns include anything from pistols to rifles that are of civilian grade. Permits will have to be issued to those seeking automatic weapons and a firm vetting process by the administrative office. Those who work for private businesses like security, transportation and other will have more freedom to use those arms. There will also be background checks for those looking to purchase any weapon.


    Penalty for breaking the law: Jail time(how long TBD)


    Reasoning: This I believe will be a very important law because I believe that a lot of people are going to want to have an automatic which may lead to deadly shootouts with cops. Jail times must be stiff for this reason.



    Marijuana- Marijuana will be legal in the island of Identity to sell in shops and stores designated to sell the item. It may be smoked freely. Marijuana will also be slightly taxed by the government (see the tax laws for more info). Those who get caught selling marijuana without the correct permits will be fined heavily but since this is a non-violent  crime no jail time shall occur.


    Penalty for breaking the law: 1st offense: 50$, 2nd offense: 100$, and doubles from then on.

    Reasoning: We don’t want people to undercut legit businesses to make a quick profit. We want to protect our businesses no matter what it is and we will be tough on law breakers. At the same time, jail time for a non-violent crime is a governmental waste and will only result in lost money. ONLY FINES!







    Legal Drugs





    Code all new businesses will not have to pay taxes for 3 months so they can get on their feet.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: If you don't pay your taxes you will be jailed after the 3rd offense. There will be no additional fines placed on you. Jail time TBD.


    Reasoning: We want to ensure the growth of our businesses out there because after all that’s how people are going to make money. So by giving you the 3 strike rule this will give you a chance to redeem yourself. We will have just jail time because adding more fines to your unpayable taxes would just ruin you more and it would be stupid.



    Non-Violent crime- This will mostly be met with fines.


    What is a non-violent crime? Speeding, Selling Marijuana illegally, Doing various things without a license. Basically anything that doesn’t hurt someone or yourself.



     Term Limits- You can only be governor 3 times before you have to pass off the torch peacefully.


    Penalty for breaking the Law: I’d hope people rise up and rebel because then you would have a dictator.


    Reasoning: We want to promote fresh ideas and don’t want a dictator.



    Pardoning- Governor may pardon individuals only by having the rest of his cabinet confirm it.


    Reasoning: We don’t want a political party to pardon people just because they like them or have some type of illegal business dealings with them.



    Healthcare- We shall leave this up to the private companies the government has no right to dictate your healthcare. We’re talking about your life here.



    Optional Welfare- If you're poor and really trying to get by you may apply for welfare. This would mean you would have to take a drug test and background test to make sure the money doesn’t go to waste. The money you would receive would only cover some living expenses.


    This law will only be in place if the Government can spare the money.


    Optional Business Incentives- This governor wants to put together a fund to give incentives to businesses who are doing well. More to come with this!


    Flexibility that doesn't break your budget!


    Copy of Vote101.jpg

    • Like 3

  6. 7 hours ago, Padward said:


    business partners - you can invest in a business with a friend, half the costs half the profits

    I think that you should be able to make agreements like I get 75% and the other investor gets 25% as well that's the only thing I would add.

  7. It would be cool if you could be part of the military or a rebel group fighting to get control of the government. The army could drill and have ranks as well as try to root out any rebel opposition. The military would be influenced by politicians opinions. The rebels would possibly try to influence politics their way by planting secret politicians who are going to try to help them and doing terrorist actions. They may try to get their hands on the drug trade as well. Their whole goal is to topple the government and install a new power as well as get rich! Just some thoughts.

    • Like 1

  8. On 12/5/2016 at 10:51 AM, Kickapoo said:

    Server refresh will most definitely be an option, what if say half the community that once was isn't active anymore?

    Im talking about in game ever couple hours everything despawns like in arma life and gets reset but all the user's stuff stays