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Posts posted by Greenie

  1. I basically plan on playing myself in this game, doing everything I can't/won't be able to do in real life. Things like owning a cute little cafe, joining a band, luring people into the woods to sacrifice them to the Almighty Goddess......

    So this is me. I'll change some stuff for security purposes.

    Name: Claire Drew


    Race/ethnicity/nationality: Caucasian

    Personality: Pretty introverted, but not socially awkward. I like to joke a lot. I say I have a lot of integrity. You won't ever catch me speeding. But like anyone, I have dark thoughts here and there....

    Education: Bachelor's (for the purpose of the game I'll be a little older than I actually am)

    Sexuality: Heteros...well....Bisexual. All things considered.

    Misc Facts: I love dogs and babies. I love to cook, garden, play music and all sorts of wholesome activities.

    Background: For most of my life I was a useless sack of ships and let myself go big time. I was obese, my grades were dropping, and I was just. Never. Happy. That was before I met my boyfriend through a dating app. Yeah, I really had gotten that desperate for love. But hell, it turned out to be the best decision of my life. He made me love myself. I was motivated to change my diet and start exercising. I lost over 50 lbs in six months. I graduated with a 4.0 and am enlisted in the Air Force, all to fulfill the plans he and I have made. It has been a year and a half since we met. Of course, we are long distance. We live in neighboring states, so we have seen each other in person a few times. We went to prom together and have had several random encounters. But sometimes it's hard. When we heard about Identity back in December, I got so excited. This would be perfect for us. We always talk about things we wanna do together. Own a little tea room, start a band, get an apartment...lots of stuff. Even though I'm graduated from high school now, I still have over a year of training to complete with the military. So we will be apart for some time. This game is our chance to connect and live our dreams until we can finally close the distance <3.

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  2. I love you. Exactly as it says, I don't care if you're a boy or girl. Here is a poem for you my love


    if you were a rose

    and I had allergies

    I'd never plug my nose

    I'd sneeze and sneeze and sneeze

  3. Tea! I worked in a tea room before I left to join the service...

    Uh...pardon me. I'll have your most popular rooibos blend. You know I thought of opening a place like this myself when I was growing up. I loved serving high tea those days. Of course, nowadays it's a different story. Heh. I don't know what I wanna do with my life anymore.

  4. 6 minutes ago, jremi said:

    This is an RPG, not an MMORPG like the secret world, world of Warcraft. The game is literally ran by its players. The whole point of this is for immersion, having skill points would break the heavy immersion they're trying to create. 

    That's another thing I wondered about. In the overview video they mention having a talent tree, but it's structured a little differently. Maybe it levels organically as you play, rather than you choosing perks?

  5. 3 hours ago, jremi said:

    Think of a career, you'd be able to do exactly that. There may be some structured jobs but I noticed about the art that you can sell, I figure that you can do pretty much anything. For example to be a famous rapper within the world, you'll want to get yourself known, radio stations and the in game social networks will help with that.

    Now I'm just thinking here...I'd be happy with perhaps having leadership in one career and lower level positions in another. I think this could be implemented naturally by having limited skill points to spend for perks in careers, so you'd have more points in the career you want to focus on and thus be further along that path.

  6. "Although not a truly social animal, the black rat is not totally solitary. It normally lives within a small family group..."




    The Black Rat Band: Thieving for the Love of it

    First I'll make our purpose clear: There isn't one. If you're looking for a swindler's contest, I suggest you head down the road a-ways. This is a collective, plain and simple. We don't care if you're good at this or not. Listen, to understand who we are, you just need to know three fundamental facts.

    1.) We aren't all that interested in money.  We're more interested in the collecting, the stockpiling, than the selling. We don't want to hear stories about your deals. We want to know what catches your eye when you're out making bedlam.

    2.) No heists. This is nothing organized. We aren't going to go out of our way to case the target. You pick a house, you go in, and take what you like without method or reason.

    3.) Respect comes with loyalty. The ones who prove to be the most intelligent and most dedicated will earn respect within the band. If you watch your fellow Rats' backs, we'll pat yours.


    How We Run

    I don't want a big, convoluted system with a bunch of leadership positions and ranks. I envision something like a small group of thieves swapping stories of their latest adventures, none of us worried about making it big or making it at all. I envision our members as people who simply want to have fun, wreak havoc, make a different sort of mark in the world.

    There is no structure. Come and go as you please. Contribute what you like and keep what you like. Just never steal from our contributions. Never do anything you know will be stupid. At the first hint of treachery, you'll be cut off.


    What's in it for you?

    I'm not so naive that I believe we can be one big, happy thief family bonded only by the spirit of burgling. Everyone needs some incentive.

    We Share the wealth. We don't really care about who does more work, as long as you do something.  All cash is divided equally among members.

    We protect our own. A common sentiment across most organizations, we are certainly no exception to this principle. The difference is, when someone is in trouble, no matter who it is, we make them the first priority. Be it the Bandmaster or the guy that joined yesterday, we will do whatever is necessary to keep you alive and well.

    We don't want to make a lot of noise. We don't want to be the whole making-deals-with-politicians, putting-the-fear-of-God-into-the-city sort of group. We want to remain strictly under radar and neutral in any gang disputes. We won't mess with anyone unless they mess with us. What does that mean for you? A whole lot less to watch out for.

    We don't accept just anyone and everyone. You have to really love to steal. You have to have the same ideologies as us. You need to prove you're mature and intelligent. And there will be a cap on how many we accept, depending on what kind of leadership we recruit.


    How do you get in?

    First, you need to contact us. Leave this thread for questions only. Send me, Greenie, a private message if you are interested in joining. If you would like to seek an initial leadership position, mention so. I will ask you three simple questions. You will be expected to answer succinctly. If seeking leadership, I will ask that you tell me about yourself. Whatever you think is important. Just let me hear your voice, decide if you're worthy.

    As for now, the member cap is 10, including three leadership positions. This cap will be reevaluated as we organize the group and gain leaders.

    Current number of members: 3 (1 leader)

    Now, if you ever find that we have reached the player cap, do not fret. Message me anyway. If I like you better than another member, they will be replaced by you. This will go on until launch. After launch, however, we will not remove members unless they do something very, very stupid.



    Bandmaster (Greenie): Founder and Head of the band. Not to be confused with a musical director. Since there is no definite set of rules, the Bandmaster is responsible for hearing complaints against members and making decisions on what to do. Is the only one who can officially accept recruits. Can kick members, set targets (locations to hit for revenge), and call meetings of the band. All implied powers apply.

    Band Sovereign (1 available): Heads of organization, same power as the Bandmaster except cannot accept members.

    Master Treasurer (1 available): Keeps track of who has made any contributions. Decides when to do payouts, and is responsible for getting the money to our members. 


    Website will be built when we reach 7 members!




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  7. Basically, I want to know if we could hold multiple jobs or if there is going to be a more definite structure with employment. For instance, could I be running an innocent farmstand while secretly being the leader of a huge band of thieves? Will it be possible to live two lives within the game?

    I imagine that our skill trees could be something like Bethesda does. Rather than choosing a "class" and getting that one skill tree, you could have access to all of them and perhaps have your experience more spread out.

  8. Greetings from the USA,

    My name is Claire. But you should probably call me Greenie for consistency's sake.

    I'd like to start off by saying thank god for strep throat, or else I probably wouldn't be here. I'd be working and going to church nonstop for twelve hours. You know, having a grand old time. Don't get me wrong man, I love money and Jesus as much as the next agnostic, but there's a lot of value in changing things up every once in a while with a bacterial infection.

    Alright, enough about that. I'd like to say that I'm very, very pumped for this game. My brothers and I have always wanted something like this. We really hope that Asylum will deliver on their promise and create the dream that I know many gamers have imagined. The challenge and beauty of removing AI from the MMO experience is certainly something everyone can root for, no matter what part of the gaming world they live in.

    I'll be going off the join the Air National Guard by the end of this school year, but you can bet that I'll be playing this when I can.

    Good day,
