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Posts posted by OsirisWoolf

  1. What's everyones approach going to be with generating/buying in-game money? If there is an option to buy in-game money with actual cash, will you go that route to buy what you want quickly or do you intend on grinding out a job, selling merchandise or stealing/selling contraband instead?

    I'm pretty impatient when it comes to waiting for things and if it's an option will probably load up on in game money from the jump. Maybe I'm wrong and this won't be an option?

  2. 23 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Hello and Welcome to the identity community! I hope you like it here and well I am one of the ones who had a high pledge.

    Hope to see you in the world of identity.

    Pledge: $250 + I pledge $90 for my friend so I have put $340 in total in the game.


    Enjoy the stay and hope you feel welcomed here.


  3. 24 minutes ago, HairyGrenade said:

    Welcome @OsirisWoolf! I've always wanted to visit Australia, looks like a wonderful place to visit! I plan on becoming a police officer because that's a career I'm very interested in. You can always pledge for beta access which will get you the modules as well and after those are released, upgrade or not depending on what you think about the game. :)

    Hope to see you around and if you have any questions don't hesitate to message me! 

    Cheers mate. Australia is definitely a beautiful country, you should definitely visit sometime.

    The more I read, the more I'll likely just pledge the $250 ha. The conversion from USD to AUD is killer though!

  4. 4 hours ago, Nocturnal said:

    Hello Damien (Nocturnal) here from Sydney,

    Super excited to be apart of this community and hoping to look for great adventures within the game when released.

    Not much of an intro but whatever. 

    Hey mate!

    Good to see lots of Aussies on board. I'm from Melbourne.



  5. 52 minutes ago, NskDen said:

    1 player = 1 house

    Most likely yes

    Game will be at steam but later.At first, the game will be available for download on the website.

    What would the point be buying in game furnishing for your house if theres no guarantee it cant be lost? Wouldnt there be any web based profile where it'll show you your items so it can be mirrored/restored?

    Bit of a concern. I was looking forward to the apartment/house customisation.

  6. On 7/27/2016 at 8:09 PM, Fidelis said:

    G'day guys, my names Fidelis and or Jackson. I'm an Aussie from down under and ready to bring identity my thunder ;)


    Any other aussie fellas 'round here?


    Cheers guys!

    Yep yep! Melbourne here. Looking forward to the launch of the game!

    Going in for the $150 package.

  7. Quick question about gangs/gang affiliations. At the time shortly after my first post, I received a message asking if I wanted to join a gang. Is this something people are actively doing ahead of time?

    I think I more prefer the police route as it's more in line with what I do in real life.

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  8. Apologies if this has already been covered but I like the idea of joining the police force in game. Does it come with a salary? I'm assuming it does given being a delivery driver etc would generate money. Just wanted to confirm.

  9. Hi all,

    Just discovered this game randomly on YouTube and am excited to get involved. I really like the idea of roles within the game and so far the videos/pics I've seen so far look amazing.

    A little bit about me. I'm 28 years old and come from Melbourne, Australia.

    What roles does everyone intend to play in the game? Also, out of curiosity (and hopefully not inappropriate), what sort of buy in level did you join at? If I get involved in the game I really want a decent head start but am cautious to throw money without seeing the game first hand. Maybe that's just me being too cautious.

    Either way, hi!.