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Posts posted by huizizek

  1. i dont like too much the idea of a hybrid corporation, why because then one person could hold and distribute to its emplyess licenses for heavy machinery and manufacturing for example, making people all just make hybrid companies, unless they were negotiated with the admins so it would hold specific combinations of licenses. I think for that there should be conglomerates(like in eve), small companies joining together and making one bigger impact in the world.

    also i think in rp, companies could be good and bad for criminal. they could be a front for criminal activities( pablo escobar like ;p) and bad because if you do criminal stuff inside of companies but dont hide your activities properly the players rping the police can catch you pretty fast. I imagine that most people are gonna put people on diferent companies or conglomerates, and people from different groups are gonna meet up and do bank robbery or even drug plantations. also i hope most jobs give licenses so people can get hardware needed for licit and illicit jobs.

    also pmcs, people love guns, so why not? of course there are gonna be criminals, and some people are gonna need protection. or at least some people are gonna get shot ;p . Maybe in that it would be like, people would need to rp police or military for some time, and then they could say that they are really qualified. 

    and another cool idea would be about corporation levels, like level 1, a company could make radios or cheap electronics, level 2 would be washing machines and scientific calculators, and level 3 would be pcs and all the rest, maybe even a 4 for server farms or encryption systems(so police in game couldnt read your chat even with a warrant). the same could go for everything, cabs -> vans -> trucks, knife -> pistol -> smg -> assault rifles

    i was thinking of something else too related to corporations. but i cant remember. now i am thinking of tax fraud, maybe it can be a part, where theres a chance for you to get more money easily but if you lose in that chance you can lose all your money, idk how it works irl.


    ps. there should be construction companies for building houses and  bigger stuff, also companies for logging and plantations.

  2. actually, i dont need many friends :/ so please lets not fight at least ;p

    i remmeber i pledged on kickstarter and i want to try identity, i have recently watched lots of arma3life and santos mod rpg. i wish there was a way to help with the development of the game :/