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Posts posted by PrimusPalus

  1. 27 minutes ago, jclar371 said:

    Its more because they were testing the game for months and still managed to let this crap show of a release get through 


    Which can happen. Happens all the time with big studios. Look at Day Z. They've released tons of updates that had issues and the whole community was able to test the build out before it went live for often weeks. This team probably has a small handful of testers. They definitely wouldn't be able to find everything. My understanding was the major problems were a result of the UI. I'm guessing that was rushed in or updated poorly and obviously caused major issues. Does that mean the dev team is incompetent, unable to produce a decent game, etc? No. It means that they'll need to work harder and be more careful in the future.

  2. 3 hours ago, jclar371 said:

    Exactly like giving money to a homeless guy who promised to pay me back day one is completely different, I put money on this because i thought the devs would not release the game in the buggy state that it released in because of the amount of delays. And i can afford it i just dont want the money to go to waste on a product that is terrible 


    If you thought the module release was not going to be released with bugs... you unfortunately set yourself up for failure and disappointment. I'm actually impressed the servers were up at all. I halfway expected a complete crash and inability to rejoin (as I often do for most releases). At least some people got in-game and did stuff. I bought into the game but didn't have a chance to log in. But, I'm also not lighting the forums and Discord on fire with unreasonable nonsense. I'm patiently waiting to see what they do. 

    I've bought into countless EA titles. Some they have fixed and have become decent games, others they abandoned and stole my money (Wild West Online comes to mind there). But I buy into Early Access games to do two things:

    1. Support the development.
    2. See potential in a future product.

    I feel my money was at least well spent thus far in supporting the team. Do I think this was a botched release? Yeah, sure. Things definitely didn't go as planned. But we're in the first 48 hours here. I'm not concerned yet. If they don't get the servers up and the game running within a week or two... I'll start worrying.

  3. 23 hours ago, Missmatchgaming said:

    I honestly can't say i'm surprised. 4 years. 4. years. They have no excuse. 


    I was banned from their discord for no reason. 


    I don't know how to request a refund, but I want one. 


    I find it hard to believe they just went through the memberlist and picked you for a random ban. That said, you can use this link to follow the instructions for a refund: 

    As far as your expectations vs what was provided in the 3 years of development (not 4)... well that's ultimately your opinion. If you don't feel the game met your expectations, you can try and get a refund. If you can't, you'll want to be more careful with buying/donating in to an Early Access game in the future.

    That said, I certainly don't think the release went well. The problems they're facing shows the module wasn't ready for release. But I think they knew that already. I think the only reason they released it is because they were damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they didn't, all hell would have broken loose like the last time they pushed the release back. 

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  4. I'm not disappointed. I gave myself the right expectations. I was expecting issues on launch day, I knew it would be buggy, and I knew this was a small team with a much smaller budget than most games. I still support the devs, but clearly it didn't go as planned. They'll get it fixed up and we'll get the beta for the whole game hopefully when it's ready. This thread has been decent, but a lot of the others and Discord are out of control.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jsax said:

    I've lurked for a long time, but as town square is near to release I've decided to join in on the forums. Thanks for the welcome!


    I did the same thing. Lurked for two years then started posting.

  6. 5 hours ago, Jsax said:

    I'm gonna become a police officer when the game launches, I'll probably be spending a bit of time on public servers but I hope eventually there'll be a hardcore/serious rp server to play on. It's gonna be pretty interesting, since I know the game will be using American law enforcement systems, so I'll have to learn how the American justice system works. The posts I've seen recently are pretty male-dominated, so it'll also be unusual to be one of the fewer females on the servers. I'm also excited to create an interesting backstory and personality for my officer. Looking forward to playing with you guys!


    I've RP'd with a few females and worked alongside many in real life. Always good to see a variety. Also, welcome to the community. I see this is your first post. Thanks for the input and for getting involved. I hope we see more of you.

  7. I have no idea what your friend posted or how they did it. But, my guess is their approach was bad. Can't say I've seen many banned from this site or Discord. In fact, there have been a few on Discord that could probably have been due a ban for trolling but weren't. You have to use tact when you approach a touchy subject. 

  8. Wow... the whole thread and only one person recommended the Smith and Wesson M&P 9?! This is what I carried when on duty and it's leagues ahead of the Glock in my opinion (I briefly carried a Glock and hated it). On a side note most departments don't carry an exclusive handgun (like only Glocks). Most give Officers a chance to pick what they'd like to carry from an approved list.


    The new 2.0 is amazing. I wish I could afford another handgun.

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  9. 5 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    You cannot record in game nor have cameras which record or show live on the TV's from in game. you must use third party software to record and stream to YT or Twitch. You can search up peoples streams and videos on YT on the in game TV.


    Doesn't mean it won't/can't be added later.

  10. I would like to see a profession based on this. Maybe a ticker that pops up on your phone to give you news updates and a live broadcast possible on the home TVs. Can't see why it wouldn't be doable, just need to be coded right.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Edikosh said:

    My current assumption is that this game's development began in 2017. And I'm glad you believe this team isn't new on game developing. I would like to ask you if you can show me any dev blog in which they explain something in regards to game mechanics (I'm being serious).

    I heard from lot of places that refunds aren't accepted anymore. Many people already have requested and didn't get it. But that's out of topic.


    I think it's plainly clear development didn't start in 2017. At least two years ago they were showing game content. So at LEAST they were working on the game in 2016. I would imagine even sooner. I'm not sure what proof you need other than to look at the fact that there was a website and crowd funding page that showed clips. As far as refunds... give it a try if you want. I wouldn't believe everything you're told. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    That 45 minutes is for testing purposes and so can be changed in the future. However the Prison times they set will only apply to the Public Official servers and not the Private community servers.


    Yeah, I'd like to see that standard brought up to 1 hour... without testing it's definitely going to be too short. 

  13. This is the backstory that I use for my character John Shields on just about every server/game with realistic RP like this. It obviously needs to be tweaked to be in line with Identity (in terms of location names, but we just don't know them yet)... it's currently GTA RP based. It's long, I know:


    "Goodbye, John... goodbye John... goodbye John" the words rang in his head as he opened his eyes from a deep sleep, staring up at the crack in the ceiling over the couch. He groaned rolling onto his side and then pushed himself up into a seated position. He looked around the living room of his apartment which lay in shambles. Empty pizza boxes were stacked in every corner of the room and empty beer bottles lay toppled over on the table and around the floor.

    After rubbing his face in his hands, he stood up, staggered for a moment, then sauntered off towards the kitchen. He smacked his lips and was suffering from dry mouth while having some major hangover side effects. Reaching out he pulled the refrigerator door opened and of course, the light refused to come on. It had burned out some two weeks ago and he just didn't have the energy to fix it. Inside the refrigerator was a half empty bottle of orange juice (missing the top), an empty beer bottle, and a slab of cheese that was probably old enough to sprout wings and fly away. He groaned and shut the door.

    He turned his head and headed back to his couch to get back into his stupor when he noticed an envelope by the front door. It had apparently been slid underneath and lay halfway under the crack. He dragged his way over to it and grabbed it, wrinkling it in his hand in the process. He then walked back to the couch, flopped onto it leaning back and ripped the envelope open with little care for the contents. In the process, he tore the corner of the letter and held it close to his face to begin reading.

    Six days. He had six days to vacate the apartment and remove all his stuff. He laughed at the thought of the eviction notice and threw it onto the floor in a ball. Sure, he missed a few payments and sure he had it out with the super in the hallway the other day. It escalated more than it ever had and resulted in John grabbing the man by the collar and threatening to "make his body disappear" if he bothered him again. Perhaps he took it a bit far that time. Where did he go wrong?

    He used to spend his Memorial Day's BBQing with the family. He'd invite his neighbors over and spent it with his wife, daughter, and son. Steak, chicken, and some of the best sausages in town (which he discovered at one of the most obscure Italian deli’s down the street). But of course, it all spiraled after the shooting. That idiot kid, not even 12 years old, who thought it would be smart to run from the cops and when confronted in that backyard, pull out a BB gun. John shot him and while he never regretted it directly and was praised by his department, he suffered most from the public outcry. He found the tires of his vehicle slashed in the parking lot near the Police Department (even though they hired a security guard to keep a close eye on it) a half dozen times, and he found notes stuck to the front door of his home threatening the life of his kids, and his own. It got to the point where John's wife Mary couldn't take it anymore and demanded that they move and he quit his job. But he loved his job. Obviously not more than his family but it was his calling and he needed it.

    Then came the riots in downtown Detroit when the Grand Jury refused to pursue charges against John. He came home to find his windows smashed out of his home, his dog Kilo was found laying on the front lawn shot to death, and much of his property was strewn around his house. Almost all of the good stuff had been stolen. A few days later the Detroit Police Chief pulled him into his office and in a political move of "Justice for Devon", he informed John that he would be releasing him from the department. The city needed some closure to the incident and the Chief said the mayor needed to show the public something was being done.

    After that, John couldn't find his wife and kids. He called his wife's phone and she wouldn't answer. So, he drank. Then, he drank more. He would hide out in shady motels around the city burning the last of his severance money from the city and drink himself to sleep and then drink himself awake. A few weeks later he found his cell phone under the bed and there was a voicemail from Mary. She was divorcing him and wouldn't be seeing him again. She and the kids were gone and she wouldn't say where. The last words on the message... "Goodbye John".

    He groaned again and rubbed at his face. Maybe he could rub hard enough that his past would disappear. When he opened his eyes he was still in the same shithole apartment he was in when he started. Nothing had changed, and he swore he saw Fred (his roommate cockroach) run across the wall behind the broken television in the corner of the room. They never saw eye to eye, and Fred refused to pay rent when it came to it. Many of arguments were had and shoes were thrown because of Fred's squatting.

    John looked down at the floor at the crumpled mess of an eviction notice. He then looked around again at the trashed apartment. He lifted his foot and kicked at a bottle on the table sending it screaming across the room shattering against the wall. Then, he reached under the couch and fished his old Nike running shoes out from underneath sliding them on. Without a word, and lacking his normal grunt, he lifted himself up and walked to the front door. The door was never locked anymore so he pushed his way into the hallway, left the door wide open, and just started walking.

    As he ventured into the sun he shielded his eyes. He hadn't seen legitimate day light in a long time. He looked over his shoulder at the FOR RENT sign that flapped in the breeze with one of the corner tie downs missing. The neighborhood was a mess, a ghetto. None of the buildings left standing had any life to them. The burned out foundations which lay every other lot seemed to have more character. He coughed some life into his lungs and started walking again. He didn't know where he was going or what he was doing, he just pressed forward.

    After what seemed like hours, he came to a bus depot and boarded one of the Dashound buses. He didn't remember paying for the bus ride, and he remembered nothing about the route. He just remembered looking up when the bus driver yelled down the aisle for the fifteenth time that he was at his last stop. He tripped his way to the front as the bus driver gave him an extremely aggravated look then exited the door. A sign near the depot read, "Los Santos", wherever the hell that was.

    He stumbled along the street for another hour before coming to a pier where kids and families were enjoying their day off at the beach. John stumbled, then fell onto the sand looking out across the water and annoyed at how happy everyone around him was. The playful screams of the children were piercing to Johns head which was desperately in need of another bottle of Jack Daniels or at the very least a Sam Adams. As he lay on the sand, with the water rushing closer and closer with each wave, he rubbed at the stains of his blue jeans. They seemed to grow and not get any better. Rock bottom really is at the bottom.

    Soon after, John was shaken back to the world of the living. A large man in a uniform of some kind was doing his best to wake him and was trying to get him to move off of the beach as everyone had gone home for the evening and the beach was closing. John stood, nodded his head in thanks and without speaking, walked off towards the city along the pier. He glanced around and saw the same "Welcome to Los Santos" sign. He'd never heard of this place but he needed a new environment and a start over with his miserable life. Stepping forward he began exploring, not entirely sure what the future held for him and how long he would be there. But, he did know there was nothing left for him back in Detroit. So, he just kept walking.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Mikusiodaktyl said:

    To be honest as a cop I will be happy if this game will be calm, with sometimes: murdeers, shopliftings, speedings etc. But if it will be a warzone Ill be even more happy. I don't really have my "usual character" though, my guy will just... exist. But it's a nice idea to give him some kind of personality and backstory, I gotta think about it. ^_^


    Awesome. Look forward to seeing you in-game hopefully.

  15. I'd like to ask the devs to revisit the max jail/prison sentence of 45 minutes and perhaps think about raising that to at least an hour. The fact that you can reduce your time by good behavior/working will offset that extra 15 minutes. But someone who commits say Murder/Homicide, led Police on a chase, risked countless civilian lives, etc... shouldn't be out in 30 minutes after doing some work.

    I did a lot of Policing in GTA RP and we jailed a lot of people for an hour or more. Rarely did they ever complain because they accepted the fact that they screwed up royally and they never had the chance to get out early like they will here. But time and time again if we didn't give them enough of a sentence, they were right back out causing trouble because the penalty wasn't enough. 

    So I'd hope that 45 minute sentence isn't a hard ruling and the devs might revisit it. 


    I did see this video here:

    I'd like to see the max be more than 45 minutes from the start vs. after testing. 

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  16. Hands down for me is Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm extremely irritated with Rockstar for not releasing it on PC. But I bought it for my business on Xbox and it looks amazing on the One X. They did a great job and this is easily THE example all other open world single player games should look to.

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