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Posts posted by Qlight123

  1. 3 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    I'm going to be reworking my plan. Well, more like add on to the pre existing plan. I want people to know that you will have the benefit of free healthcare but only if you work. It doesn't matter how you work. Laundry mat, business owner, janitor etc. You work for what you want, I strongly believe in a working society 

    Yeah that's what I'm talking about!

  2. 2 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    He's immature and looks only to make money. If you look at his campaign he promotes his business in the first tag he uses and then further goes and talks about how much money he wants take from taxes. He's not providing free healthcare he's putting a ban on a few weapons which isn't a lot of money spent. He's pretty much making money from everybody.

    But isn't the government supposed to use taxes in public services?

  3. 21 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    Another thing I'd like to say about this. Ever since you've gotten on the campaign trail Mr. Hetch you've been immature and have seen multiple people flaunt your name around threads that you don't belong in. You need to control the people who support you because in my view they act more like a cult willing to spread your name to any and all who wish to be graced by your light. Your policies are unbalanced and your knowledge for some things are limited. I seen your peace post but after this is where I refuse to remain silent.

    What's so bad about him

  4. On February 4, 2016 at 2:01 PM, TOMA_HAWK569 said:

    We are not a family, or a gang, or even a mafia for instant! We are a corporation, we stand for the good and well being of the people. We already have plans in place for making enough money to fund ourselves in all of our ideas. Zeus will start off small, and eventually grow, and become a large corporation. 

     I am willing to tell you but one of our ideas, but please understand that we are very careful with what we give out to the public. 

    We will be first off placing our brand on every product that we invent, which gets us kick started in advertising. That is all I will be saying, no more about that, unless you apply to become a head distributor.

    The thing hat separates us from things like the mafia, and gangs, is that we will be not doing illegal activities of any sort; we will be putting most of the money into the business account, which means that we know how much to calculate to give everyone a fair salary.

    sorry about the late reply by the way. I have been busy lately.


    Kind Regards - TOMA HAWK569

    That's the point of all businesses