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Posts posted by DJ-Bobby-Vee

  1. I have started my radio station early to let people know about us. The more people who are looking forward to listening to us the more people we a tract. We are not doing this for money, we just want people to hear the rock and roll baby. 

    • Like 1

  2. 9 hours ago, DJ_Roswell said:

    Its not a matter of if the game is out or not. Its up to whether the leader of the gang wants to still lead a gang or not. I myself have done it many times but people have come to enjoy my gang and so it is still up due to a lot of interest in it. Im still undecided however. 

    If not, the Highwaymen shall step in and make a new GTA MC. 

  3. *Bobby turns the radio on to Blaine County Community Hour 104.1. Ron's choice of discussion today is the Illuminati.*

    "Alright. Lemme run tape 36, lotta rush on that one. Lotta Zeppelin as well."

    *Bobby turns around and hurries into the trailer, into the bedroom which is covered in magazines, news papers from the 60's, empty plastic bottles and empty beer bottles. Two Mac pc's lay dormant on his wooden L shaped desk. The CB has blaring conversations from all the truckers on the island. Once done starting up tape 36, he walks back outside and sits on his trailers little steps*

    "So, Jason, reckon a fetch me a beer. Need a cold brewski"

  4. 1 hour ago, Deathblow_Georg said:

    Imma need yall to secure your radio waves and the surrounding area before I even think to let little brother Jethro over to your station to talk about his. Encounters.   will be a cold da in the swamp if i let him get picked up....again.  Had to promise him it wouldn't happen again.



    Sir what the heck are ya talkin bout. My radio waves are secure, you betcha. My CB, ham radio, wave meater and broadcasting stations are all under dec requirements sir. And tell your little brutha to come on down talk bout them grays. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    still no reason to continue playing cheat theft auto v - the ballad of fat script kiddie

    What the fuck are you even talking about or trying to say. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Shimozukachi said:

    mate, that's unrealistic... well, didn't play that much since the last 2 updates. really almost no script kiddie?

    No hackers no more. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    gta v online is just full of script kiddies that make it rain men and money :D

    Rock star has got that under control. Out of all 500+ hours I Have not encountered any hackers. 

  8. *Bobby wakes up from a short sleep. He opens the door of his trailer to the smell of sausage and the sight of Jason sitting down drinking beer.*

    "Ayo Jason, wazzap! Hopefully I can go riding today, dang carb-itcher is screwed up"  

  9. 3 hours ago, AndrewDonaldson said:
    1. Will you guys also be telling us the news? I love music, but I also want to hear whats going on in the world. 

    Of course! You'll hear the news from around the island everyday, along with the forecast in the morning and whats going on in the underworld of crime! 

    • Like 3

  10. Image result for Keith Morris

    Name: Bobby "Bobby Vee" Vee

    Age: 37

    Ethnicity: White


    Image result for Keith Morris


    Hobbies: Radio DJing, Listening to heavy metal, classic rock, punk, Learning new conspiracy theories, Smoking Weed

    Traits: Hilariously funny, Paranoid, Pissed Off, Has a punk attitude, riding motorcycles and two stroke dirt bikes

    Hometown: Bakersfield California

    Image result for keith morris black flag

    (With my old band)

    Sexuality: Straight

    Aspiration: Living life so you never have to worry about shit

    Phrase: I need a beer dude, Dude, Man.






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    Розы красные violiets голубые Я пришел для сиськами и так сделал вас

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  12. 5 minutes ago, InspectorDamage1 said:

    Nothing to do specifically with your age man, you seem like you can be pretty mature in some other posts. (No condescending) 

    Let's hit on that last point again just to really drive it home ;) - "we would all like a monthly blog update/forum post". 

    When I get mad and angry I just go crazzzyyy haha. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, InspectorDamage1 said:

    I think everyone is in agreement that devs could/should do a monthly blog update.

    Good point ^^ Nah B i'm good. I don't care if people know my age idgaf. And I am keeping in civil, i'm just stating it over and over again because people seem to not get it. I may seem like a kind of hostile guy, sorry about that.

  14. 4 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I Mostly agree but I am patient enough to wait another year. I put a lot of money into this game like a lot of people on kickstarter and I won't give up.

    I'll wait, I just want some updates man. I wanna know whats good xD 

    • Like 1

  15. 4 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    They have put a dev blog like 6 months ago not over a year ago!

    I am sorry about that, numbers hurt my head. 6 months, still too long my freind. You have got to agree with me on that. 

    • Like 2

  16. I don't see how hard it is to write a paragraph or two saying

    "hey guys, we did this, we added those codes, we added those codes, we added that jacket, we added this feature. OK that's all hope y'all like it" 

    Seriously, how hard is that, I seriously ask you that question. I'm only 15 and have to write full papers in my animation class for a shat 2D game I made about cowboys and aliens. This dev team is all grown up, and is trying to complete a full fucking triple AAA title, and they cant write shit like that? It makes no fucking sense. It's been a year, and theirs been no dev blog update. That's lazy devs if you ask me! Iv'e had other characters so Ive been here for some time. 

    • Like 1

  17. 19 hours ago, Cornholio said:

    But our first impression was us getting lied to


    2 hours ago, LionKingGamer said:

    Honestly i just want to see the video as well and CornHolio was right like even though they are releasing pictures of town square its buildings scrambled around so im guessing the map isnt even started on yet and their working on something idk but im guessing were gonna see somthing by christmas if not then faith is gonna go under 9000

    and #truth 

    • Like 1

  18. 2 hours ago, charefdine said:

    2 months ago the evolution of the module remains stuck at 64% ...


    Il a été bloquée à 64 % pendant une longue période. Étions tous inquiets , certaines personnes ont mis beaucoup de temps dans des choses comme les mafias et les gangs