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Posts posted by InspectorDamage1

  1. On 18 September 2016 at 4:30 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    $30 and above let you play all modules and the beta.

    Yup I've had me the Passport for a while. Looking to upgrade depending on progress

    • Like 1

  2. 12 hours ago, CosmicTony said:

    I wonder if this kind of technique can translate to gameplay?

    I don't see why we can't pick and choose the more accessible ones and enforce them is. No licence, speeding, running reds, general traffic stops, suspicious behaviour. Looking forward to how much realism we can get going!

  3. Welcome

    As far as I know it depends on the the Passport you bought; one will give you access to the first module once it's released; The Town Square. The higher packages grant you accees, to an appartment, bicycle, rusty car etc. Ensure you get the one that at least enables you to play EA. 

    Hope me that helps! 

  4. 21 hours ago, uncannierlink said:

    I would absolutely NOT buy a Beta pass atm. Wait until at least the first module is released before you put any money into the game.

    Is that due to you're own experience with Ealy Accesss games? 

    8/10 of early access games I've backed/invested in have all come though with their promises. More often than lot, the downfall of a project is due to the community. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, DJ-Bobby-Vee said:

    Good point ^^ Nah B i'm good. I don't care if people know my age idgaf. And I am keeping in civil, i'm just stating it over and over again because people seem to not get it. I may seem like a kind of hostile guy, sorry about that.

    Nothing to do specifically with your age man, you seem like you can be pretty mature in some other posts. (No condescending) 

    Let's hit on that last point again just to really drive it home ;) - "we would all like a monthly blog update/forum post". 

  6. I think everyone is in agreement that devs could/should do a monthly blog update.

    Surely that's all that needs to be said instead of paragraph after paragraph discussing the same points.

    @DJ-Bobby-Vee - kinda showing your age in your last comment man, chill out.

    People are always going to clash in a Community but let's keep it civil huh?


    • Like 2

  7. On the topic of No Mans Sky, which inundated us with screenshots, news and 'gameplay'; let's all take a minute to remember the final product. (RIP) 

    I've backed, funded, invested (call it what you will) in numerous games in development and the one thing I can almost guarantee - if the community puts enough pressure on DEVs, they either release an unfinished product which will be slated anyway or it gets stuck in the 'Early Access' stage and the updates become less and less frequent and the community, ironically, get pissed. 

    Catch 22. 

    However, I do agree that a monthly blog post/forum update would go a long way to keep people happy and excited. Myself included. 


    • Like 1

  8. 3 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I can tell you the customising like signs / making your own logo is possible so I believe it would probably all be in like that. but You can only OWN 1 business at a time.

    Cool yeah I think a one business only is a good idea. Can always form business partners with other players. 

    (If you don't pay up though I'ma send the boys round) 

  9. It would certainly add to the immersion and satisfaction of owning a business. 

    It would also help keep the towns/cities fresh looking; someone goes out of business and within a few weeks there could be a completely different style of shop in its place. The fact that player created clothing with logos etc is included I see no reason this can't be implemented or isn't already planned. 

  10. Thanks for the quick reply (and apologies for the double post).

    I'm going out on a whim here but I don't suppose there is an ETA as to when Early Access will be available? (Yes I understand what the 'E' in ETA stands for).

    Just backed and I'm as eager as everyone else seems to be!

    Thanks again,


  11. Well, I've been waiting for a game like this since I was a kid! 

    The sceptic in me thinks it's too good to be true, however; I'll be backing in the morning for sure. 

    Could anyone tell me what's available to play in the current build? (Will still be backing regardless) 

    Thanks in advance!