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Posts posted by Anatoly47

  1. Hello, people! I think thats most fruitful to any programmer to leave self introduces in a topic with such name :)  So I place myself here. My name is Anatoly I am situated now in Ukraine. I had seen info about this new RP world in a video on youtube, like "6 amazing upcoming games you need to play in 2016 and beyond"... I'm very excited about it and full of expectations. It's interesting to get familiar with key features this game will provide, so if you guys have preferable links on any topics of this forum or other resources I'll be glad if you post some to me. 
    Unfortunate I have not as much time as I want to play Online and it's greatly discussible for me wether to sign up or not. But I have played World of Warcraft and the Star Wars TOR and did not want my gamer career to stop on it.