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Posts posted by NZLKyle

  1. 24 minutes ago, Entryx said:

    The Town Square has been at 89% completion for like a month and a half now is there currently any work being done on it?

    They don't update that progression bar often I can assure you they are working hard. They said town square will be released before the end of the year. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    Alright Kyle here's the thing, show me where we've been wrong so far, cause SO FAR, this team has nothing to show except $800k of your your money and a flash new office... Aye?

    What you claim to see them doing is "developing"

    What I see them doing is spending money.

    "Well its on a new team and the space to house them." Except you've already claimed to have expanded and sure you can be expanding more but then I have to ask what are all of these new employees working on? Cause we haven't seen anything.

    Any logical management team would look at the track record and say "Jeez guys you know what? We haven't delivered on a single promise in over 2 years.." "MAYBE we shouldn't post hype about our new plush office and get previously promised content out.."

    But yeah sure, they're working on it, no matter what side of the fence you're on you guys know this is bunk, you just really hope it isn't so.

    You gotta look at the facts and the facts are: Still no content, big new office.

    And Johnny's point of view there was so immaturely presented I don't know how to react.

    And knock it off with the small team excuse cause the guys over at Black Matter have a shockingly small team who still put out proof that their back end and front is operational and working. Never Mind Battle State Games who are roughly 30 plus now who put out a full Alpha build with as little as 15 guys then in the same year pushed an updated engine and forwarded the game into beta. So nice try.

    Now, look here. Escape from Tarkov doesn't have the short of in-depth mechanics that Identity will need as a life mod for starters. Up until now members of the identity dev team have had to work from home and conference call on skype ect Now that they have a new office/workspace where they can better communicate ect this will speed up the development process. I think the money spent on that office would greatly improve the development process of this game. Money well spent in my opinion. There should be a gameplay video soon showing off the stuff they have been working on. So nice try! HAHA 

  3. 8 hours ago, MoMann said:

    The fact that they have an office with racing chairs and a Nintendo Switch shows that they are an immature group of children that don't know how to spend their time or money..The fact that they have a nice office before even partially shipping a product shows they are in over their heads and not focused on the real goals.These are the rewards a company gets after the product ships and is successful.

    As for when will we believe the game is real? How about once we get more than some delayed beauty shots and footage of them walking around a house. How about once we can play the promised Town Hall that's been delayed time and time again.

    They have a small dev team doing the best they can. If they want to play on a Nintendo switch during their lunch break let them. I can't wait for people with your mindset about the game to get proven wrong lmao. 



  4. 44 minutes ago, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    White knight, it has nothing to do with the size of project more so than the empty promises laid out before your attempt of summary. And its funny to claim that "oh this is a big project, and bleh" Really? cause there is absolutely zero evidence that this is a big project other than IDEA and THEORY. That's it guys, ZERO proof, understand that, ZERO proof. So we have what, some live streams showing us art and model design, level design etc. With zero effort to make up from past claims that fall through in which the team has now raised more money to afford a plush office in which case THEY STILL CANT SEEM TO DELIVER ON PROMISES, even after the lead dev openly states to having terrible PR and inability to fulfill promises.

    Drop all comparisons to AAA companies like Rockstar and understand that $800,000 -and even before that- is more than enough to deliver on promises from before, like oh lets say a module or a game play video.

    I get that you new crew white knights of the land are tired of hearing us old fags complain, but at this point it has nothing to do with delay more than it does of integrity, and this team, albeit strong in its spirit and idea lacks integrity, period. How ever you try to argue it or spin it, the truth is in the photos.

    And as the photos show us, they have a new office to play in, thanks to your money.

    But you down there, you wanna mention fans? Go look at Star Citizen and their department, go look at Escape From Tarkov and their department, oh and even the very very small team of Hell Let Loose. Guess what, all delivering on schedule and all full filling promises.

    Don't be so blind by bias, but reason by fact. The fact is in the proof, and the only proof you have as a community is a new office.. 





    Isn't the fact that they have an office proof in itself as they are a tangible company. People can go to their office etc?  This is a massive project and now that they have their own office space this will increase productivity. When will people like you believe that the game is real LMAO when it's fully released ?? Even when the town square module is released will you still cry "Fake" ? 

    Have you seen the dev streams? Like this would have to be a fucking elaborate scam for them to steam development footage for the game LOL. 

    I'm glad I pledged 30 USD to the devs and I hope they make a great game. 

    - Kyle 

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  5. On 10/1/2017 at 11:40 AM, JohnNYBlaze said:

    I am really starting to get irritated with these kinda of posts. How many times must it be said...Identity is a huge undertaking, being done by a small group, that IS getting bigger, NOT a Triple-A studio with hundreds of employee's and a blank check at their disposal. Really, I think its more of the constant  negative whining, about a game more than 2x the size of GTA V, that is taking a small team to do things on your schedule...Maybe if people weren't so thick and instead of bitching "they got my $15-$30 and it's been two years...WHAaaaaa" maybe make some positive videos or posts drawing people in to the idea instead of giving them cause to think it could be exactly like other failed games.

    I honeslty think it's the spoiled self absorbed PC gamers, that want way better games but wanna pay as lil as possible to get it, that bring down the quality of games on PC. You guys belong on console, PC gaming is not about saving money.If you spent 3-4-$500 on a pc and then whine about how much games cost...Your gaming on PC for the wrong reason,YOU are the reason games for PC suffer. PC is for gaming enthusiasts. Cheap PC's are for the pretenders that want to feel like a part of something, without actually spending what is needed to be a part of pc gaming. You don't buy a Lamborghini with Honda pockets...I'm so happy that things are starting to pick up, and we will be hearing about the town square module release very soon. Then maybe all the naysayers will STFU now, and give it a chance to blossom. I swear it's like poop on the flower and expect it to grow thru 3 feet of shit. Give 'em a chance to make it, Rome wasn't built in a day. I can do analogies all day long.

    Well said. Finally, someone summed it up. Can't wait for the town square also will be good to finally talk to some identity fans! 


     Full Specs:
     Processor - Intel i5 6600 @3.3 ghz (not K version)
     Motherbored - Asus H1Z0 Pro Gaming 
     RAM - 2 x 4 gb HyperX Fury 2133 mhz 
     Hard Drive - Crucial BX400 240gb SSD 
     Graphics Card - EVGA GTX 960 4 gb VRAM SSC
     Monitor - 28" 1920x1080 Samsung 
     Operating System - Windows 10 Home Professional Edition 
     Psu - Cobra Power 600w 80+ Gold


    What setting at 60 fps med-high ?