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Posts posted by Wetter42

  1. No,  but without this, in about 3 months, the server's are going to be empty. Now is THAT what you want?

    Arma 3 (The basis of this Altis life thing) is based on a world-war game so of course it's supposed to be empty...


    And of course it's easy to fill up a room when there's only about 20-25 players on a server, but is that same number sufficient when trying to fill up a map?  Not likely.  What are you going to do if there are no cops around?  I hope you see where I'm getting at.  This sounds like a fun game, but realistically, numbers draw other players, and if there's not an AI system to make the world seem as real as the game developers are trying to make this game, then it will end up being less crowded by players.  Less players = even LESS players...

  2. On June 5, 2016 at 0:22 AM, JamesLuck01 said:

    Obviously you didnt read, he wants AI's driving around the world like GTA and that is the biggest feature which is removed from the game. Also yes it may make it feel more immersive, seeing cars on the roads all the time, but it is not realistic because you cannot interact with them as they are not real players. And if they added AI driving around like in GTA, it may feel the world with cars or AI walking around, but then you get them retarded AI who ram your car and how would they pay for the repairs, they cannot. How would a player cop catch a AI which speeds or goes through a red light.

    THAT'S the point of this thread.  I feel as if the world would be empty without these bed/fillers.  Not to mention it's a good way to train.  Unless, there is just 1 server worldwide, it will be impossible to achieve a full, and living server complete with everyone doing everything.  

  3. 7 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    well you have GTA, go play that game. This community don't want another GTA, AI's ramjming you and shit, damaging your car and then you have to pay for repairs because i believe that putting your car in the garage won't fix it.

    Its obviously nothing like GTA...just because there are ai's to handle real life natural occurrences like fires makes it nothing like GTA.  If there are filler ai's such as peds to be robbed, or fishermen to handle the food sales, or shopkeepers to hold over shops, or business owners that are willing to sell you their businesses, then it makes the world more immersive.  If there's no fireman in a town, does that prevent the fires from starting? no. Does that necessarily make it like GTA? no it doesent...

  4. This question's been eating at me for a while now.  Imagine a town where a fire happens in the town, but no one wants to be a fireman/woman.  Will there be "filler" ai's to handle the situation until an actual player decides to become a fireman.  Will the ai return when the fireman player logs off? What if there's a bank robbery and all of the police officers are in different timezones?


    (This question applys to pretty much all the essential unfilled careers/jobs)

  5. On 5/2/2016 at 1:16 PM, SilberDrachen893 said:

    Best solution would be just to not have a wanted level system. It doesn't work like that. If someone thinks you're causing a ruckus, they'll report you, and it's up to the police to see if they catch you or not. 

    Even without a wanted level system in other RP games, I still manage to get pulled over by the feds.

    I agree...I think the whole "wanted level" system is outdated and inaccurate.  It should be just like in real life.  When a crime is committed, they investigate based on reports, unless the cops witnesses things themselves...This makes new jobs available like dispatcher...

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  6. While this is understandable, a lot of players complained about the handling in GTA IV because many players don't have the time to sit on gta for a long time and master handling, and If their goal is to make an RP as far from "grindy" as possible, then GTA IV styling handling is not the way to go.