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Posts posted by Draknas

  1. So many people are going to be making teams and planning their careers in this new game...i for one plan on being what i call a shadow,a criminal who will be that silent threat from behind the scenes. I eventually also plan on creating a brotherhood where eventually we will wage war on the city, kind of like in the show the arrow where deathstroke waged war on starling city,im hoping to get to that point one day


    What will you guys do? will you be peaceful citizens..or will you join me someday and be a part of the brotherhood....or the obvious third one just do whatever you want

    For obvious copyright reasons this picture was stolen from the internet if it was going to become a problem...if there is a problem with the picture issue a formal complaint in the complaint box at shadow HQ and the guy in the pic will get back as soon as possible to discuss your grievance 


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  2. the only thing i have seen them deny is a true and orginial sex part of the game, you know click this many times to climax but i never heard anything clear about the weapons except military grade weapons are going to be hard to find, and if it is realistic i should be able to make homemade explosives like ied's and what not


  3. Now we all like weapons, and if you don't better live next to the precinct, i have messaged a big and important man about explosive options, yet what else should be added, or desired to be added to the game? My personal desire is at the very most scar assault rifles and C4 explosives, and that is only because i am probably going to start a criminal movement and i would love some high power weaponry.