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Posts posted by Gator639

  1. I would definitely hop on this train. I have real life fire experience but no telling as  to whether it would useful or not. I guess it would just depend on how in depth they allow this position to go. I was heading for a position with the police department but if they allow the fire department to have a fair amount of rp I would love to do the job. I don't know about constantly getting called out though, the ambo at my station is never there because they're always on calls. I couldn't fathom always having to bust my a$& all dagum day. I don't think we will have much to worry about as far as not receiving be  fair amount of calls. There will be enough cars fires for us to puke probably lol. I just want to know if I were to be in fire would there be shifts? Maybe just keep it simple, A and B shift only. 24 hours on 24 hours off. I'm excited for the game I just hope it's as detailed as I imagine but I also don't know what it takes to make a computer game :)

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