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Posts posted by Kraztec

  1. On 1/27/2017 at 10:20 PM, Kracken said:

    Hello all of the Identity police community, my name is Ken I spent five years as a military police officer and would love to assist here. I have read many of you're posts over the past few days and seen many questions I could assist with along with the real life aspect. Tactical movements, communications, FPO (Force Protection Operations) and then yeah then general policing the everyday citizen. Myself and my girlfriend (Ayala) are both on the forums so feel free to contact either one of us. Hoo Yah  

    Let me be one of those players and random civilians that says Thank you for your service. This goes out to everyone of you who has served, who is currently in law enforcement and are active, or enlisting in the service. 

  2. In regards to the hierarchy of the law enforcement tree if not all emergency services? Since I plan to invest in a server myself, I want to know what all control I would have over those aspects for starters. 


    Also wouldn't mind some input from other potential server admins on what level of control they'd also like to have.

  3. I am planning on having my own server more than likely and would definitely consider going in on the cost with some people as long as I can trust them to uphold their end. By uphold their end, I mean be a reasonable yet fair admin and be able to maintain your responsibility towards contributing toward the success both payments(if needed, depends on cost really) and developing the community. Of course.. can't say 100% when I'll be going full speed ahead on this plan until launch of the game and server rentals but I'm definitely going to be pursuing my own. Anyone who is serious about it and is looking for someone to work with to make one hell of a community, feel free to message me.


    Also, I do plan to be on the police side of things so I could use someone on the criminal side to counter balance my point of views if they get too biased ;)

  4. On 12/3/2016 at 11:12 AM, Samuel_Tsai said:

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for the feedback and I'll try and put some more topics up to assist people who want to make a police department. Hopefully the developers or moderators will be able to give feedback on our topics aswell.


    As for this I'm sure that private servers will have rules and regulations when it comes to this. For example only small corruption such as excessive use of force or usage of illegal substances. In official servers I fear that corruption will not be tolerated or will have no rules outlining what's possible and what's not. More often than not public servers have less strict police departments.

    an IA department should be put in for some corruption really. A bunch of us tossed this idea around on the original forum.