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Posts posted by Kraztec

  1. 2 hours ago, MemphisMan said:

    Well, in the version where we can do mostly everything I'd like to try selling some artwork (paintings/t-shirts/etc). It really interest me that we saw 3 slots for characters in the last stream. Does that mean we can develop 3 characters depending on our mood for that game?

    Also, aren't we going to be very limited on what we can do job-wise in the first module. I was under the impression we'd be decorating the apartments, purchasing items and conversing with each other. There's those board games and maybe some graffiti work. And karaoke. But jobs? Not sure.


    Jobs won't be available in the first module I've heard, and items for decorating will be free to purchase. As for 3 characters, maybe you want to stay criminal on one, rescue on one and LEO on another. Gives you all these possibilities without having to do something like you have to in Arma currently. 

    I'll gladly look at your art and clothing down the line for Civ clothing. Pretty sure cops are going to be restricted to their tier(so to speak) clothing. 

    • Like 2

  2. 1 hour ago, killerkate888 said:

    I can't wait for Town Square for the social aspect of things, I'm quite a turtle when it comes to people. lol,,,,,I would love to have the opportunity to sing in the Karaoke Bar....Preferably sing to Evanescence if that's available.  My social anxiety needs work as well,,,, I am a beautiful person inside and out with a lot of potential. Best of yet I'm a great mother with strong morals and love to think outside the box about changing the world for the better of our future,

    Also when the full version eventually comes out I would love to get vocal lessons, sell my art of all sorts, creating a new portfolio  (drawings, paintings)  and start a new clothing line, that would be wicked....having people walk around with the clothes I created would be stellar.


    Skies the limit! Social awkwardness seems to be a trend in this feed lol


    57 minutes ago, Alwynn said:

    I would say Karaoke but I can't sing...At all. If it were allowed, I would probably be arrested for noise pollution ;). I'd like to spend a few hours/days seeing how I can set up my apartment. Maybe get beat in some chess. See if they're showing any Noire Films. Or the old 1940 mickey mouse cartoons.


    lol the classic films theater will be interesting, black and white films ftw. 

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  3. 11 hours ago, Order said:

    I too would say karaoke, if not for my crippling social shyness/possible anxiety.

    I personally can't wait to own a little café or start my own designer line! I'm hoping to be able to start a cutesy, pastel theme for furniture, clothing, and other items! Or, just more colorful items in general! I guess I'll decide in the game which is more profitable. I'd probably end up starting a design line, as relying solely on RPers for income wouldn't be very reliable. xD


    Not sure I'll want my house being that colorful but sounds awesome lol


    10 hours ago, Mario_Rosetta said:

    With so many different careers and jobs, especially the player-owned businesses that will become available, I am looking forward to a few different things when I first start. I'm most likely going to start with any sort of job I can get free of the player-owned businesses and work towards socializing with other people and see where things lead to. Eventually, I do want to get involved with the Detective/Police force but only once the features of those careers are implemented and running stable. I do want to Role-Play in Identity RPG and I think this will be a game where I start that, but also continue to develop as a Role-Player. I really just can't wait for this game's release and gradual patches/updates. :D B|


    Look forward to being a LEO with you one day!

    • Like 1

  4. What are you looking forward to the most? What kind of jobs are you anxiously awaiting? 


    I know, the wait is making our doctors prescribe xanax and other anxiety meds to get us through, but we can benefit eachother as well ;) 


    I really am curious, what do you guys look forward to the most in the coming months/weeks?


    Me personally, starting my LEO career path, if not a first responder type of path. 

    Similar to what I'm planning to pursue shortly in real life, but a little bit more sped up, and more easily constructed I hope lol

  5. 10 hours ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    I intend to join the police, but I also intend to rise the ranks and go into the detective branch of policing


    I'm feeling SWAT or Detective. Maybe a DEA style branch if it's there. 

    • Like 1

  6. Maybe the information for inmates, top 10 most wanted etc should be solely linked to officer based privileges since it'll be as if you're in a precinct itself and not as open to the public eye. That being said, you'd need to actively monitor the police roster to make sure only officers on said server would be able to view.. It'd be very hard and time consuming unless you own your own server, then you may be able to run it via database to an element on the web page.. 

  7. I love seeing such active people posted up in this specific thread and supporting these. I'm definitely up for a captain position if any are needed and I'll possibly continue this hierarchy on my server too, same members in the same positions(if of course, it's separate per server)

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  8. Definitely want that extended branch if they do make narcotics a thing in game. More of a purpose when houses are being owned/built etc. Conduct drug raids without taking many police resources