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Posts posted by aaronlroberts

  1. I have to say that I'm also disappointed with the progress of this game. When it was first announced, I was pretty interested in taking part, and I purchased the passport etc, just to get in involved.

    I can see that there has obviously been some work on the game since it's creation and the general roadmap, seems promising.. but yes, I can agree that there's been way too little progress.

    However, I can also understand that the amount of money raised, likely is not going to be anywhere enough to pay for the game as it has been planned.. A game with this much planned interaction, diversity and flexibility will cost a huge amount of money.

    There are a lot of overheads to consider when creating a game.. for example, design, programming, servers to host the game, computers powerful enough to design and build the game, staff, graphics, drivers and compatibility.. the list goes on and on.

    As I said, I'm also disappointed in the progress, but to put it into perspective, GTA 5 cost $265,000,000 to build... and that's being built by a team of some of the best game developers in the world... it seems that Identity is being developed by a handful of designers / programmers, and I can honestly expect that this game would take years to develop with a small team.

    My advice is basically to watch this space and accept that you may not actually receive the game at all. It's amazing that there's anything playable at this stage... I think we should be encouraging the developers and re-inforcing the project through praise and positivity... because I know if it was me, and reading all the negativity, I'd be tempted just to cut it off and say.. "well, it was good while it lasted"...

    To the devs: Communication is key. Make incremental updates, something to just show that you are actually working on something.. even if it's tiny bug fixes to just get the basics working. Town square looks great.. but you have to iron out the bugs. If you do this, you'll begin to build the community, without people getting annoyed at things like, lamps not connecting to power etc.. or saves not saving.. Focus on THAT, not on MORE... then build it out from there and half the work will already be done (in terms of functionality).

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