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Posts posted by noxious

  1. 37 minutes ago, SummitsEdge said:

    How about this for a piece of understanding. If at the moment, there were to be a closed alpha (this is alpha btw), then they would not receive any new players. If it does take them until 2020 to release the actual beta, and they are not able to make any more money off of this game, because I'm very certain that players wouldn't wanna buy a game they have to wait two years to get into, then how are they going to continue development. I understand your frustration with there being a promised closed alpha, but riddle me with. With a low amount of players, and the players that are done with the game already leaving. How're they going to fund, find bugs, and develop this game.


    I don't think there are people who are done with the game. If you're into roleplay you can't turn a blind eye to Identity. It's ambitious, we were promised an insane amount of content and if they manage to deliver even half of it, you'll see no one actually left. 

    I do agree with you, there should be a closed alpha (or perhaps an open alpha during a certain weekend like most games do nowadays) and I don't think it'd be hard to find players that wanted to test the game. They wouldn't get as much hate and negative reviews if they had done that instead of releasing the game on steam for everyone to see, judge, and spread a bad image of the game that won't be forgotten so soon.

  2. I share the same opinion, this game shouldn't be on steam. They should have beta testers instead that could fill the server and see how it behaves, what happens, what changes, etc.

    The core part of the game is pretty much done, it needs (a lot of) work but I don't doubt they can get to the vehicles, guns, and jobs. It's gonna be a hell of a task for them, though.

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  3. I get why people are upset, I was disappointed as well, not what I was expecting and my expectations were low. Although they're working on it and my hopes are still up, I believe they can turn this whole situation around do something great, they'll have to work harder, though.

    Also, for those who haven't been paying attention, it's been said multiple times that Town Square is a socialization module, I'm not sure what you were expecting other than a ''glorified chat room''.

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  4. It's not that easy for new channels to make their way up on Youtube but it really depends on his content. I guess with a little practice he could make some entertaining videos. I personally prefer short 3 minute long videos.

    A quick way would be to post gameplay/walkthrough videos of newly released games as that's what he seems to enjoy doing the most. Identity would be a good pick, if he posts a gameplay video on the day it launches it can get him views and possibly new subscribers. 

    At the end of the day, creativity is all that counts. I wish your nephew the best.

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