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Posts posted by azntk89

  1. Whose getting Red Dead Redemption 2 next week. I am getting the physical copy of it but I am hoping they will release a PC version so people can do mods and do Wild Wild West RP Style but I am very excited for the game. #RDR2HYPE B|

  2. I mean there been so many Life mods on the AAA Games from DayZ to GTA V. How is it different from those mods? I've been wanting to play those mods but I need to sign up and all that and apply for those types of RP. And I used to have an I5 back in the day and my connection weren't so great and I don't do streaming on those games back in the day but did record alot of gameplays of games that I play. Will there be perma deaths in Identity cause usually people getting shot at and get treated at the hospital and saying your good like all other life mods. Very Hype on this game. I like the zombie survivial life mod but this Real Life I kinda dig. I like to meet new people down the lines. 

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  3. I'm thinking that every weekends they should have a flea/open market like all other states have some form of independant vendors who are selling their fresh produce or catch or seling their used junk that they don't want. This is a good idea because you know how all clothing or supermaket prices can be expensive we should have some kind of people who are selling their weekly catch and of course we need people who own lots can charge the vendors fee for using their lot for the weekends and of course depnedant on the weather also. 

  4. How do we prep for food? Is it MRE Meal Ready to Eat or we gather ingredients. Is it similar to DayZ or Survived the Nights or any other survival game. I'm just thinking of how we keep food fresh and how long will it last till it goes bad like hunting for animals for food and fishing. Is it gonna be real time for us to cook food.