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Posts posted by ArianaGrande

  1. On 6/14/2018 at 7:41 AM, DLimit said:





    Title: SOUL'D OUT

    Owner: Jeru Jones

    Type of Business: Night Club, Restaurant, and Bar

    2. 1. Primary ~ Night Club
    3. 2. Secondary ~ Bar
    4. 3. Tertiary ~ Restaurant


    Slogan: N/A (VOTE IN POLLS!)

    Location: Ash Hill, Roseport, or Turtle Beach

    Theme: Disco, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, R&B, and Hip Hop


    "Soul'd Out" is a Night Club that also functions as a bar and a restaurant, which also hosts live events and performances by either official bands or the attendees within the club. Special events may include:


    1. Disco/80s Night

    2. Spoken-Word Poetry Night (Self-explanatory)

    3. Expressive Art Night (Gallery)

    4. Lady's Discount Night (Discounted price for women)

    5. Dance Contest

    6. Costume Night & Contest

    7. SOUL'D OUT RAFFLE (Paid Lottery with Reward)

    8. Chess/Checkers Tournament (Day & Night)

    9. Poker Night (If Available)

    10. Karaoke Night

    11. Buy Two, Get One Free (Alcohol)

    12. "Fight Night" 




    1. Co-Owner (Resume and Interview Mandatory)

    2. Bartenders (2-3)

    3. Servers (2-4)

    4. Chefs (2-3)

    5. Out-Door Security (1-2)
    6. In-Door Security (2-4)

    7. Transporters (1-2)

    8. DJs (1-2)

    9.  Cleaners (1-2)



    1. Musicians/Bands

    2. Poets

    3. Painters

    4. Dancers



    1. Brewery Companies

    2. Farmers

    3. Herdsman/Hunters

    4. Interior-Designers




    1. Any firearms or blades, whether legal or illegal, shall be seized and stored within a security lock box until your departure from the club.


    3. - Law enforcement agents, whether on-duty or off-duty, are NOT permitted to enter the club. A Law enforcement agent of the state/county/island MUST present the owner or vice-owner with a warrant in order to enter the premises. Failure to abide by such a policy shall result in being charged with "trespassing". 
    5. - Any individual that discloses any information regarding the actions that were committed within the club to any on-duty or off-duty agents of the police department, the judicial courts, or any other "Law-enforcement agent of the state/county/island" shall undergo a long-term suspension that is determined by the owner of the club (in-between one month to six months). The second case shall result in a permanent ban.
    7. - Any individual that voluntarily invites a "Law-enforcement Agent of the state/county/island" shall undergo a long-term suspension that is determined by the owner of the club (in-between two weeks to six months). The second case shall result in a permanent ban.
    9.  A "Law-enforcement agent of the state/county/island" may include but is not limited to:


                  - Any member of The Police Department

                  - A judge (unless granted permission via an invitation)

                  - A state/county/island-attorney (unless granted permission via an invitation)

                  - A third-party contractor that is contracted to the state/county/island (unless granted permission via an invitation)


    3. Any form of racial, gender-based, sex-based, sexual-based, disability-based, religious-based, and age-based discrimination is heavily prohibited within the club.


    4. The consumption of cigarettes and marijuana shall be permitted as long as it is in accordance with the Law. However, individuals are prohibited from transporting and/or consuming "out-door food and beverages" within the club. (Read those words again)


    5. Alongside with a service or entrance fee during events, individuals are obligated to spend a minimum amount of $20.00 per hour within the night club. Failure to abide by such policy would result in being removed from the premises for "loitering" and potentially "trespassing". 


    6. Zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment within the club. Any individual that sexually harasses another individual, with evidence, shall be suspended from the premises for two weeks. After two weeks, if the individual commits the identical offense, the subject shall be permanently banned from the premises.


    7. Purchasing customers are capable of advertising their companies within the club to a limited degree. One cannot distribute pamphlets, flyers, posters, or business cards for free without the permission of either the "Owner" or "Co-Owner" of the club. However, if a business owner desires to advertise their company within a club, the business shall be expected to provide "Soul'd Out" with an "Advertising Fee". The fee could either be purchased "up-front" or in the form of purchasing an X amount of dollars worth of food and beverages.


    8. Any act of violence that disrupts the flow of the business shall be prohibited on the premises (fight outside). 






    I am interested in joining, I somehow signed up for this game 2 years ago and decided to go with Ariana Grande

    My twitter:

    Let's make it rain together